Chapter 20

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After dropping the heavy sky over her head as if it was no big deal he took a step forward only to see her react so promptly as she dragged herself back on the bed holding Arsh even closer to herself with her eyes horror struck.

"Khush!" He stopped right where he was seeing her predicament.

It only sped up her movement as she sprinted to the left side of the bed before almost jumping off it to stand on her quivering legs.

"Don't." She placed her one hand over Arsh's ear pressing his head gently to her shoulder before exclaiming.

"Don't come closer. Stay away!"

His coldness didn't waver. He just folded his arms at his back watching her panic as she looked around frantically. She knew she can't escape or run from him even if she wanted to at the moment.

Her gaze fell on something on a high table a few steps away to where she was standing while he stood across the room just a step ahead of the tilted mirror from where he has entered from his study, back to his room.

His eyes were keenly observing her with his face hardening every passing second.

As she saw him about to step forward again she reacted to it vigorously, reached to the high table, grabbed the glass vase placed over it, smashed it against the table before bringing it's sharp edges close to her neck just an inch below her chin.

"I said back off." She growled with her eyes ferocious. Her intent clear in her demeanor.

He stopped just two steps away from her with his mouth slightly open at her sudden unexpected act. His eyes turned green that flickered in .... fear?

He traced his steps back raising his hands up cautiously looking in between the shredded glass that was about to graze her to her trembling hand holding it before exhaling out. Even at that stage of overwhelming fear her hold on Arsh didn't waver.

"Try and understand Khush. If anyone saw his eyes turning like that he'd not just remain an ordinary son of a lowly court maid but he'd become the talk of the palace and later the whole RK in no time." He gritted out.

"Then people would want to know about his lineage, his father and why he has such a unique trait. Speculation, myths or superstitious would arise regarding that. It would eventually lead to me somehow." He hissed out.

"Don't you remember we have met many people who have come across us over the years who have seen that happening with me around you. I've wiped out every city and it's occupants whoever saw us together but what if someone is still left?" He huffed out.

"What if someone or some family moved and I don't know about it and they are out there and know about my disguise as Dev. They must have seen us together. How long will it take for it all to lead to me then you tell me? My enemies would only need to connect the dots to start the rebellion against me. Those who are hunting me like dogs for years and hasn't seen my real face yet would get the perfect opportunity to bring me down!" He burst out exasperated.

"If it did then not only me but also you'd be in danger. I'd lose my power while you'd be subjected to even worse fate. Everyone would eat you up alive for bearing my child being a commoner out of wedlock. I can't let anything happen to you because of him." He hissed out as his eyes glazed at her.

"What the hell are you even taking about? If anyone grew suspicious or even found out about him being your son, he'd be in more danger than me or you. He is just a baby for god's sake. Do you really think I'd care for myself more than him and let him suffer a life which I lived without my parents? No. He doesn't have a father who cares for him enough to protect him like his own but he still has his mother and he'd not lose her. He won't live a miserable life like me. He won't feel the pain of abandonment like I did. Like I still do every passing moment. Never Dev!" She said firmly. Her every word was loud and clear.

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