Chapter 22

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The maids scurried away after bowing once before the King leaving them alone in her chamber.

"Lavanya!" He said showing her his hand when she struggled to get out of the bed. She stopped where she was.

Lavanya blinked back the moisture as she tried to find any emotion on his face except for hardness but he was looking at her impassively.

"It has already happened. No need to get so worked up now. You have duties as my first ranked concubine to handle Lavanya. You should be doing everything possible to heal faster so that you can perform your role as the head of the flower manor." He stated neither harshly nor rudely.

"I will try my best not to disappoint you Maharaj," She swallowed and looked away nodding obediently at him.

"Good!" He said with the same blank face. He was standing with his hands folded at his back in the middle of her vast chamber facing her while she was there on the bed sitting leaning against the cushions with a blanket covering her legs.

"I need to leave in a few hours. I hope you won't get disheartened. And behave like a princess should. Being emotional shouldn't be the trait of a palace's concubine. You know that don't you?"

She sniffled and bobbed her head blinking back the tears.

"You love her don't you?" She raised her head to ask when he was turning to leave taking him off guard for a moment before he composed himself quickly lest she catches any expression on his face.

He quirked his eyebrow at her.

"Of course you would. She is the most beautiful among us all twelve isn't she?" She croaked.

He didn't comment and waited for her to elaborate what the fuck was she trying to imply.

"Concubine Sheetal. You love her don't you? That's why you gifted her a bracelet on your first night with her while you didn't give anything to the rest of us." She said emotionally.

"By that logic, I made you head of all other concubines. Does that imply that I have feelings for you?" He was blunt.

"I can understand your emotional turbulence because of losing the child but you seriously are getting ahead of yourself. You are overthinking everything. Don't."

Two tears rolled down her eyes. Arnav resisted the urge to groan in irritation. He wanted to just turn and storm off. But he kept standing gritting his teeth.

Seeing his face depicting anger Lavanya sobered up and wiped her face shuddering.

"I just have one request Maharaj. Please?" She cried out.

"Say it." He wanted this interaction to be done and over with before he lose it.

"I know you don't love me. You can love or favor anyone you want I'd not feel bad either. I only want one thing in return from you, Maharaj?" She said earnestly.

"Would you please spend all your nights with me only when you'd come back from the war? I want to become pregnant again before anyone else. I want to have the honor to give birth to your first born. I want to become your wife in front of all. With all traditions. Please I won't ask for anything else, your highness?" She pleading bleary eyed.

"You need rest." He hissed out. She flinched seeing the wrath on his face.

"I'm letting this disrespectful demand of you go because I know you are going through grief. But don't you ever say something like that again. I would not compromise on Raichand's royal family traditions of crowning a Queen. These customs have been going on for centuries." He chewed every word.

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