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Yasin in the MM

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Yasin in the MM

Tamia Ford
1 month later

"And just like that."

"Extend it as far as you can then as wide as you can."

"Shit." I heard Sin groaning as I slowly came down the staircase with a scowl on my face.

As I did, I watched from afar as this woman worked his right leg out like he needed to be but I couldn't help but to size her up.

Just like I did every time she came to this house.

Reason being, she was a very attractive woman. Brown skinned, curly hair, fit and maybe about two or three years younger than me.

I mean, I was told that he would be getting a male instructor. Plus I'd personally asked for a male instructor but turns out, the male instructor bailed out on us last minute.

So they ended up sending her instead.

Which would have been fine a few months ago but after everything that I'd been through and was currently going through with Sin, I didn't want any of these bitches near him. 

I knew it wasn't healthy but we were still currently going through things and here she was trying to come into this house and be his savior.

All while I was still trying to make up for damn near helping him get shot out in front of my house a month and a half ago and then losing our baby on top of it.

I just felt like a complete failure to him now and I knew that Sin was mad at me about it and that's why he barely talked to me these days. Then everytime I'd asked to do anything for him, he would give me dry responses and tell me no as if he didn't even want me here.

With her though, things were different. He would do any and everything she said. This woman was just the best thing ever to him.

"And just like that, hun." She went on as he rocked his leg in and out, just like she ordered him to.

While I just stood there with my lip turned up at the site as she stood over him in this damn sports bra workout set.

"Dumb bitch." I couldn't help but to mumble to myself.

All before making my way through the living room with my pink silk robe on, my pretty white heels and my hair down my back just like Sin likes.

Making my presence known.


"Hello, Tamia." She waved, speaking cheerfully to me, as usual, but I ignored her completely, not uttering a single response.

As I did, I simply made my way toward the kitchen and I continued eye her challengingly.

"Okay, Sin, that's going to be it for today." She then went on saying, shifting her focus back to Yasin.

"You did good, I'm proud of you." She said to him and he groaned again, trying to stand to his feet on his own.

"Got damn."

"A nigga ain't no bitch but that shit be hurtin'." He went on saying to her with a smile and she couldn't help to laugh at his jokes.

"I ain't even gon' lie to you, I ain't looking forward to you coming back, ma." Yasin went on saying to her with a smirk now and my nostrils flared when he did.

He hadn't smiled at me or laughed with me in months but with this bitch he always did. I mean, I knew he was angry at me for all of my fuck ups but I was trying.

I guess that didn't matter to him though.

This bitch was all he could see.

"That's okay."

"It comes with the territory." She went on talking to him, flipping her hair over shoulder and batting her eyes unprofessionally.

"I'll see you a little later in the week though."

"You keep working on that leg." She told him and he nodded with another smile that seemed to be plastered on his face now while I looked at them both in disgust.

"Aight, coo'."

"And what day you coming back again?"

"So I can know when to flee this bitch." He joked with her again, making her laugh loudly now and I slammed the refrigerator closed, tired of hearing this shit.

He wasn't even that fucking funny.

There was nothing to laugh that hard about.

"I'm actually going to be back some time in the next—"

"Are you hungry?" I cut her off completely, making them both look over to me as I watched in the living room.

I was tired of hearing this shit and she wasn't about to keep flirting with my nigga in front of me. I wasn't fucking having it.


"Whatchu' say, baby?" Yasin then asked, obviously not hearing me the first time as I rolled my eyes hard at her specifically, making them both look at me in confusion.

"I said are you hungry, Yasin?"

"You would've heard me if you were listening to me." I spat sternly this time, jealous in this moment and he just looked at me with furrowed eyebrows before shifting his focus back to her.


"Thank you, Harley."

"I'a see you whenever you come back and shit." He dismissed her completely now and she nodded her head quickly before waving goodbye to me.


"Bye, Tamia." She spoke politely before leaving completely and I couldn't help but to roll my eyes hard.

When she closed the door behind her, I turned back around on my heels and began cleaning the kitchen instead. Since I knew Sin probably wasn't hungry right now as usual and he didn't want to accept my help as usual.

As I did though, I could feel as Sin watched me closely with a scowl on his face now from the living room. I still said nothing though as I scrubbed the island down.

"So you gon' add jealousy to the list of bullshit that you doing right now, ma?" Sin spat sternly to me and I quickly turned around, looking at like he was crazy.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not jealous of that bitch." I spat back to him in guilt and he licked his lips slowly, watching my every move as I turned back to clean the counters off now.

"Tamia—" He started but stopped, sighing deeply before rubbing a hand down his face.

"Baby, the shit you doing right now ain't healthy—"

"Are you hungry or not, Yasin?!"

"I don't need you to be my fucking therapist. I just want to help you." I spat, feeling tears forming at the brim of my eyelids, not listening to a word he was saying right now as I cut him off completely.

"Nah, Tamia."

"I'm not." He spoke dryly to me, like usual, shaking his head at me. When he did, I said nothing again as I continued to clean the kitchen.

Once I was finished with that, I began grabbing food out the freezer to cook anyway. I knew that I needed to cook some thing so that I could eat and he could as well.

I knew he was just angry at me and still being stubborn so he was going to say no, no matter what.

So I would do it anyway.

I needed to do it anyway.




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