Who Is That Stranger?

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Miyo opens his eyes the next morning to a dimly lit ceiling; he must have woken up very early. Looking at the clock on his desk, he can see that he is right because it is currently just after one in the morning, because why wouldn't he be awake at such an hour?

After staring at his curtains for who knows how long, Miyo decides to go for a morning run to be some what productive, Ao grumbles unhappily and submerges himself deeper into the blanket surrounding him.

Miyo changes into a clean jumper and sweatpants before slipping on his grey runners and quietly making his way downstairs. There are no lights on, so he must be the only one awake in the house right now.

He leaves a small note on the counter saying he's gone for a morning walk and will return soon enough, just in case he takes longer than expected. He brings two small energy bars with him just in case, as well as his spare key. He closes the front door and begins walking down the street.

Other than the occasional car or bus, the streets appear deserted, with no dogs barking, early birds chirping, grumbling people getting ready for their next work shift, and no heroes or villains fighting. Miyo would definitely use the word peaceful, but the silence is actually quite unsettling. It's almost as if time has come to a halt.

He walks for twenty minutes, he also zoned out after five, he takes full responsibility for that, he really needs to stop zoning out, but at the moment he's quietly walking in a street with graffiti on every visible wall, and some of the red and brown paints don't look so innocent right now.

Miyo is beginning to regret not having brought his phone. He'd already forgotten his phone several times, leading to him getting lost or being arrested.

He swears that the second incident was simply bad luck or that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that he had nothing to do with the slightly vandalized All Might and Endevour billboard, he's honest! He simply forgot to wash his hands after art class! That's why his hands were covered in red paint, even though it was Sunday! They could just ignore that last detail...

Miyo is startled out of his thoughts by a noise up ahead, and he narrows his eyes warily. The noise came from an alley.

Of course, why wouldn't it come from a confined space between two buildings?

He decides to keep moving forward at the same pace; there's no need for him to intervene if it doesn't involve him in the first place...

But it wouldn't hurt anyone if he just had a quick look, right?

A person stumbles out of the gap as he approaches the entrance. They appear to be disoriented? Miyo will still keep a reasonable distance between them.

He isn't the issue; it's them. No offence or anything. He just isn't in the mood to get tricked into getting mugged or murdered right now.

Now that Miyo is closer, he can see that the person is probably a man, but who is he to judge?, is holding their head in their hands and is groaning and mumbling in apparent pain.

Maybe they're hungover from partying all night?

Miyo doesn't know much about hangovers or most alcohol based issues, so he tries to keep going. The stranger clutching their heads appears to have other plans, as they reach out for Miyo's arm just as he tries to pass them.

Miyo fights the urge to convert into mist and flee as soon as the person's hand lands on his right shoulder, but illegal quirk usage says no. Miyo is right beside them, so the person's words are clearer.

They're talking about 'splitting' and the 'real one'? Perhaps this person suffers from a personality disorder? Or is it something to do with their quirk, such as copying or cloning?

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