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Week to week came by. There's no perfect timing but they're running out of time already.

The Zimmerman family was having chaos when Emmeline suddenly passed out when they got home after attending a Company party, as there was an accident involving an artist at the Makati Medical center it was full of reporter and they also caught the Zimmerman family which had been made as a headline in just less than a minute when they were filmed. Emmeline was rushed to the Emergency room, zoey was crying all through out as she doesn't know what's happening already. Hansley was trying to calm her daughter down.

"Dad si mama"

"Hey stop crying everything will be okay, she'll be okay. Calm down baby please dad don't know what to do already", Hansley tried to comfort her daughter.

Zoey as the vulnerable person when it comes to her parents, she just hug and her father and cried in it's embrace. They we're patiently waiting at the ER.

On the contrary as Imelda was busy watching a news report when suddenly the Zimmerman Family was flash through and even sighted as "Nagbabagang balita", as it went to her attention she immediately ordered the oldest among the mag pipinsan to call Irene and even Imee who's currently having a comversation at Irene's Bedroom which was obliged right away.

"Ma, Tita? Mamu asking the both of you to go down, it's an urgent matter", borgy stated as she knock thrice on the door when the sisters immediately opened the door as the three of them went down.

"What is it?", Imee ask as the conversation with irene was interrupted so she wanted to ask right away what's the matter

"Tita Emmeline was rushed to the hospital", borgy stated which made Irene gulped in shockness.

"Ha?! Ano saan niyo nakuha yang information na yan?", Irene ask immediately.

"Just go down nalang po tita, mamu will be the one to tell it to you", Saad ni borgy. Sumunod naman ang dalawang aligaga. Emmeline had become part of their lives Hindi maipagkakaila.

The magpipinsan then turn the television channel on the news to which the two look and listen.

"No this can't be wait", Irene immediately gulped in fear

"You knew something about this Irene?", tanong naman ni Imelda agad.

Irene just then nods her head, "I'll explain later ma I need to call Cat first", irene immediately fished her phone out from her pocket and dialed her friends number the doctor whom she reffered Emmeline's Condition.

"She's your friend right? The doctor?", imee queried, Irene just then nod again.

"Come on please pick up the phone Cataleya", and just then the phone call was been pick up

["Hello Irene"

"Cataleya thank God you answered, are you still at the hospital? Remeber the patient I told you to?"

"Yes why?"

"She's currently there I think at the emergency room? Can you please accomadate her? I'll be there also"

"What's her name again?"

"Emmeline Zimmerman"

"Oh yeah I'm already on tge way to the ER she's the patient they paged to me awhile ago"

"Thank you cataleya, I owe you this one"

"No worries Irene, I'll hang up the phone call already"

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