First day

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And so it was today.Today was my first day as a Junior. I was going to a new high school in a new state. You see my mom and dad had very bad problems. I mean very bad. There wouldn't be a day in where they weren't fighting. Yes it was that bad. Anyways enough negativity. I went to go take a quick shower since I felt like complete shit. I then got dressed and put on some sweatpants with a sweatshirt. I was tired alright I didn't feel like going all out today.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast that my mom made.

"Good morning mija" She said.

"Hola mami"I took a seat at the table.

"You excited"She looked at me.

"No.Im fucking nervous."

"Yeah I feel you but everything is gonna be ok.Just push all the negativity out of the way.I si someone comes up to you and has a problem chingat-"she was interrupted by me.

"Si ma ya se"I said as I took a bite from my pancake.

"Ok.I just want you to be safe "She said.

I picked up my plate and washed it of course.I went up to my room and grabbed my skateboard that was in the corner of my closet. I said goodbye to my mother and went to school.

 I said goodbye to my mother and went to school

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I entered and felt everyones eyes on me. Alright I know I'm pretty but jesusss. I looked like a fool trying to look for the damn office.Maybe its here.I took a turn to the right.Ugh no those are the restrooms. What the actual fuck. I decide to grow some balls and ask someone. I looked around and saw this beautiful girl alone fixing her makeup.I made my way over there.

"Hi"I said

"Hey"She looked up from her mirror.

"Can you show me where the office is at please?"I looked down at the floor.

"of course.Follow me"She started walking towards the restrooms?No right besides the restrooms.What the fuck.How did I not see it.

"Thank you"

"your welcome"

I entered the office and already saw two students getting pulled by security.One of the students had a bloody nose and the other one just had there hair all over the place.Its 8:25 in the morning.Come on.

"Hi I came to pick up my schedule"I looked at the office lady.

"Name?"She looked up at me.

"Melissa Chavez"

The office lady started typing on her computer.You know doing her thing. I heard the printing machine go off. She grabbed the paper and handed it to me.

I made my way outside and tried to look for room 909. Math class. Why. Why do I have to go through this.I went to the third floor and luckily it was there. I entered hoping no one was in there. The teacher looked at me and smiled.

"And you are?"She asked

"Melissa Chavez"I smiled.

"Sit in the back to your left"She pointed to the seat.

I took a seat and looked around. There wasn't many students in the room which was good. I got on my phone until the bell ringed and everyone started to come in. I saw the same girl that helped me in the same class as me. She came towards me and took a seat next to me.

"same class and grade I see" She laughs.

"Yes."I laughed.

"My names is Rosa."she put out her hand.

"Melissa"I said shaking her hand

'We're gonna be best friend's I can already tell"Rose said.

Hey girlsss!! Sorry Kevin wasn't in this part but trust he's gonna be in the next one🙏🏽. Im sorry it was short I was kinda busy today lol. I also may say Rosa and Rose.There the same person!!!!!Merry Christmas que se las pasen bien!🤎🎄🤶🏽.

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