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I was heading to the parking lots until I got stopped by someone shouting my name.

"Melissa wait" Eli shouted as she was running towards me.

"What's up"

"I actually wanted to tell you something in person"

"What about?"

"Ok so obviously you know Rosa"

"Yeah what about her?"

"So ok she's been trying to separate you and Kevin.I know you guys aren't together but she doesn't like that your hanging out with him."

"Does she like him?"

"I don't know dude. She won't tell me. I told her to stop with her plan"

"Plan? What plan?"

"Well she wants Leslie to try to get with Kevin and Lindsey,Ashley and Clara want to distract you every time that you're going with Kevin."

"What the fuck.Really?"

"Yes yes yes"she said trying to catch her breath.

"Thank you for telling me Eli. I really appreciate it"I smiled at her as I got in my car.

 I really appreciate it"I smiled at her as I got in my car

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I was mad.Mad at everyone. I mean what the fuck. I trusted Rosa. She knows I don't like Kevin I told her millions of times. Does it not click in her fucking brain?

I am totally gonna talk to her tomorrow. Be my friend its fine but doing that type of shit is wild. Not letting that one slide.

 Not letting that one slide

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I was heading to school. My morning was already ruined. Thinking about well about the stupid plan that Rosa planned.

I arrived 10 minutes later and looked for her in the hallways. Bingo. She was talking to one of her hoes.

"Hey Rosa can I talk to you ?"

"Yeah of course"

We left the lockers and went to the library.

"SO I heard about your plan and I wanna know why you would do such a thing"

"I mean what the fuck Rosa.You know I don't like him." I got a little bit more louder.

"Mel I just don't want you to get hurt"

"How am I gonna get hurt. He's my FRIEND.F-R-I-E-N-D"

"I know Meli but you never know"

"Never know what. That I'm gonna fall in love with a player. I know better I don't need people to tell me what to do"

"Look I'm sorry. I really mean it."

"Its fine just please promise me that you wouldn't do it again"


I smiled and left the library.

I went to first period pretty early and surprise surprise I found Kevin there as well

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I went to first period pretty early and surprise surprise I found Kevin there as well. Talking to another girl.

"Kevin can I talk to you real quick in private"I looked at Kevin and then the girl.

"Yeah"He pushed the girl to the side.

"I have chisme"

I saw Kevin jumping up and down and he pulled a chair for both of us.Damn.

"Sooooo Rosa was planning on breaking us apart because she thinks that I like you"

"Wait what. Do you like me?"

"No" My heart was pounding fast. 

"Oh. What else happened"

"So she asked Leslie to try to get with you"

"Oh hell nooo"He did a disgusted face.

"And she also wanted her other three friends too 'distract me' from going with you"

Kevin started laughing like crazy. 

"Shut uppp" I said as I hit him in the shoulder.

As time passed by the bell ringed and I went back to my sit as class was about to start

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As time passed by the bell ringed and I went back to my sit as class was about to start. Rosa walked in and Kevin immediately gave her a death stare.

"Why is he looking at me like that" Rosa turned to me.

"I don't know"

I tried ignoring Rosa. I mean yeah I forgave her but I'm not gonna forget you know. I just decided to focus on my work.

"Hey"Rosa said tapping my shoulder.

I looked up at her.

"Are you ok"She asked.

I nodded and went back to my work.

Hola chulas. Sorry this chapter was short and boring😢. I had a really busy week. I will try to update more. Hopefully I can since you know pinch puta escuela is starting.💔Las amo🤎

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