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I was now on the hospital about to give birth. Kevin and Eli were here telling me that everything will be fine. I was nervous since I heard a lot of bad things that happened during labor. I was in much pain that I just couldn't think straight.

I was two hours in labor when suddenly the nurses started coming in."Are you ready" one doctor said."no not at all" I said in pain. The doctors prepared themselves grabbing gloves.

"Ok you are gonna have to push for me alright"the doctor said. I pushed. I pushed and pushed and pushed. I was exhausted. I couldn't do it."Cmon baby you got this"Kevin said kissing my forehead. I felt tons of tears running through my face. I was still pushing until all of a sudden I heard a baby cry."You did it"Eli said jumping.I laughed.I was full of sweat.I saw Kevin crying."Well here she is "The doctor smiled handing me my baby."Shes so beautiful "I said with tears in my eyes."She got it from you"Kevin said kissing my lips."Were gonna be a happy family I just know it.

Soon everyone started coming.Everyone had tears in there eyes. I was happy for Ella our baby to have such a loving family. I would love her till I can't breathe. I will make sure to spoil her a lot."Shes so cute"Pablo said smiling at her."She got it from her dad because i dont know about the mom"Pedri said."Dont fucking touch my baby you whore" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Mira mami es mi prima"Leah said pointing at Ella."siii la vas a proteger verdad?"her mom said. Leah nodded."si alguien le pega yo le voy a pegar fuerte"she said throwing a punch on the air.

One year later.

Ella was finally one. She was the most adorable thing ever. Kevin wasn't around as much since he had a lot of practice since the world cup was gonna start. He also didn't seem in love. Every time that i tried going on a date with him he would say that he was busy or tired. I didn't wanna suspect anything since he was after all my babys father and I didn't wanna end up like my mom and dad.

"Hey kev do you wanna go to a restaurant im hungry" I said looking at him."Ay no im tired I wanna play"He said taking off his headset and going to the restroom. I know I wasn't supposed to suspect anything but I just have to make sure. I unlocked his phone my contact name went from 'loml♥️🤗' to 'Melissa'. He changed his wallpaper that he had of me and Ella eating ice cream. He also blocked me on instagram.

I felt my heart beat fast. God please please tell me hes not cheating. I went through his messages and bingo. 'Rosa🌹♥️♥️'. I felt a wave of sadness take over my body. This cant be real. I clicked her name and oh it was in fact real.


Hey baby!😘

                                                 Hola amor🥰🥰

When can we hang out???
I miss you 🙁

                                                I miss you too!! But I
                                                have to wait until I    
                                               have practice so I can
                                               make an excuse Melissa

Ok amor aqui te espero!♥️

Kevin got out of the restroom and saw that I was in tears with his phone in my hands."Kevin what the fuck" I showed him the messages."What is wrong with you. We have a fucking kid together"i stood up."Look Melissa I know but look I lost feelings I dont feel love for you. When I look at you I dont feel the spark that I used to feel. I feel empty around you. We are over get out of my house." He said

I couldn't stop crying.The guy that I thought loved me didn't love me. The guy that I loved didn't love me back. Two almost three years together thrown to the trash. I loved him. He was my everything. He was the guy that I loved waking up next too. He made me feel safe. He just decided to throw all of it away. I never did anything wrong. I just wanted us to be happy. Now Ella is gonna have to live without a dad. Shes gonna have to somehow know that her dad didn't love her mom anymore.

I grabbed all my stuff and went to my moms house.I knocked on the door shaking due to the cold and crying."Mija que paso" my mom said grabbing my hand and putting me inside."ma"I hugged her."mija que"she said worried."Kevin, he cheated on me ma he fucking cheated on me" I cried harder."ay mija"I could feel sadness coming from her voice.

She didn't like seeing her only daughter in pain. She knew that Kevin really fucked up. Melissa was so in love with that man. The way she looked at him you could tell nothing but love. The way that she will never fail too talk about him. Kevin was always on her mind. She only had eyes for him. She sacrificed so much for him. She was there through everything. Every game every injury every sad moment . She tried her best trying to make him happy. She wanted to have that life in where everything was perfect. Have arguments but always make up. Everything was gone.

Is love real?/Kevin AlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now