Who is she?

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I looked at Eli and grabbed our stuff. Could Kevin be cheating on me. What was he doing last night. I called Kevin"Kevin who the hell were you with last night?"."What are you talking about" he said."Don't act fucking confused who were you with last night"I could feel the anger rush through my body.

Camila POV:

I wanted to end Kevin and Melissa. I still love Kevin. He's mine. I had a friend here in town who is a sorta known actress.I texted her and told her to help me and ill pay her.She agreed. We kinda had to stalk Kevin. We went through his story and saw that he was going on a walk to the beach.Perfect."Ok just go up to him and look like your flirting with him and I will take a pic"I said as I pushed her."Great"Mariana replied.She did what I told her to do. I took the pic and told her to come back.

Great now I will send this to celebrity news and its gonna look like he's cheating on her.

End of pov

"I was with no one Melissa" he said."Then who was that girl in the beach and why was her hands all over you."i said."I don't know she just came up to me"he said."are you cheating on me?" I said fighting the urge to cry."fuck no. I will never cheat on you ever." He said.I hung up.

"Meli maybe he's telling the truth"Eli said looking at me."I don't know man"I scratched my head." I went to the website to try and find the photo.

Attention all Kevin Alvarez and Melissa Chavez fans. Kevin Alvarez was spotted with Fellow Mariana Diaz at the blue beach. Could he be cheating on Melissa Chavez?Is this the end of there relationship?


Photo creds to @camilaxoxo

That fucking bitch."LOOK ELI" I pointed at my phone and showed her the credits."I knew it. Maybe she planned it wanting you to think that he was cheating on you"She exclaimed."yeah your right" i felt a relief that he wasn't actually cheating on me."um can you take me to Kevin's house please " i told her. She nodded.

I knocked on his door he opened it and smiled."Hi Melissa"he said."Hey im sorry for thinking that you cheated i know you wouldn't do such a thing."i laughed

Mature reading ahead

He grabbed my face and started kissing me. I kissed him back passionately. We went to the couch. I took of his shirt and admired his abs.Damn I got lucky. He took of my shirt and my bra. He started sucking on my left breast as he massaged the other one. He made sure I was filled with his hickeys. He loved showing off what was his.

He took of my his boxers and took off my panties. He started running the tip with my clit. "Fuck just put it in already Kevin"I said desperately. He put himself in. I grabbed myself on his shoulders.He laughed."Fuck Kevin"I moaned."Your so tight" he said. He started slow and slowly started picking up his pace. I moaned over and over again. His back was scratched by my nails."im so close kevin" i moaned out.

He turned me around and started fucking me from the back.I grabbed the end of the couch for support. He was going faster and harder than ever."Geez"i said."You always feel great Melissa"He groaned. I could feel him all the way in. He slapped my ass a couple of times making hand prints. He put his head on my back as he was enjoying himself. I could feel his hot breath on my back."We kept going for hours until we both stopped. He was out of breath and so was I. We never went for this long. We fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning I was tired and felt nauseous .
I got up and ran to the restroom and vomited."what happened princesa"Kevin said rushing in the restroom holding my hair back."I don't know i think im getting sick"I said vomiting again.

Once I was done I washed my mouth and took a shower. I was thinking what could've caused the vomiting and then it clicked. We didn't use protection last night. Fuck fuck fuck. I quickly got out of the shower and texted Eli.


                                            ELI ELI ELI ELI ELI

ARE U OK?!??

                                          NO BRO IDK IM ABT TO
                                          FUCKING CRY

Amor what happened?

                                           Eli i think im pregnant...

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