Are you kidding me?

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It was the next day of school. I was heading to my first period class until someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw... Camila.

"Just to let you know Kevin is mine get away from him"She said giving me an attitude. Did she just say Kevin was hers. Oh hell no."First off Kevin is MINE clearly you saw me with him second YOU get away from him. You cheated on him don't you remember go back to Mario ho"I said. I was pissed I'm not just gonna let a bitch step all over me.


It was lunch time and I went to go sit with Rosa."Bro you won't believe what fucking happened"I said shaking her."Queeee"She said stuffing food in her mouth."So Kevin's ex had cheated on him right and GUESS WHAT"I shouted making people turn and look at me."WHAT HURRY IM IMPATIENT"She said eager to know."SHES IN THIS FUCKING SCHOOL"I shouted even louder. I saw the teacher tell me to be quiet."No way what the fuck.Wait what's her name"She looked around."Camila and she's sitting over there by where the basketball team is sitting at"I pointed to where she was."Oh her. Never liked her"She rolled her eyes."She gives very much puta vibes"Rosa said as she ate her ramen noodles.

She wasn't lying.

I was eating until Kevin came up from behind me and gave me a kiss on the cheek."Hi amor"he said as he sat next to me."Hi"I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

We finished eating and we had to go back to class.


I was going to my last period when I saw her there. Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. Luckily she sat on the front row.

Class started and I saw Camila starting to flirt with the captain of the basketball team Aaron. Ew.

She was one of those girls that thought was popular."Can she just shut the fuck up already"A girl besides me said."FR shes so fucking annoying"A guy also complained."ooo just KNOW that Cassie is gonna beat the shit out of her for flirting with her man"Another girl said while laughing and taking a pic of Aaron and Camila.

Damn the tea.

I had to tell Eli about it. I haven't been able to talk to her since she went out for her family vacation but she's FINALLY BACK.




Pookie💋💋:I think
Camila is gonna get her
Assss beatttt🥳🥳🥳

Loml🫶🏾🤎:By you and me hy😝😝
no but seriously by whoo???👀👀👀

Loml🫶🏾🤎:need the time,date and place asap
i am NOT missing this one.

*pookie💋💋 liked a message*

I went to Kevin's house after school since we weren't doing anything.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked as he laid down on his bed.I nodded and laid down next to him with my head on his chest.

The smell of his cologne drove me INSANE.
"Im gonna be more busy these next weeks" Kevin said sighing."Why's that?"I asked looking up at him."Well Im gonna try out for pachuca" he said with a bright smile. "oh my gosh really thats great im so proud of u"I got on top of him and kissed him."I love you"he said kissing me again.God how much I love this man."I love you more"


Is love real?/Kevin AlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now