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"I just have to tell Kevin but I don't know how he is gonna respond"I said grabbing my moms hand."If he says something bad I will make sure I beat his ass good"Eli said. Me and mi mom laughed.

We said our goodbyes. Yeah it was bad being pregnant at a young age but at least my mom supported me. That was the only thing that mattered.

We arrived at Kevin's house. The same feeling I felt at my moms house came to me again. I grabbed Eli's hand and she rubbed it with her thumb."Hi mi amor"Kevin said giving me a kiss in the forehead.I wanted to vomit.Not because of the kiss but because about how nervous I felt."Hi love"I smiled at him."We need to talk" i said. His face turned into a worried look."Why whats wrong " he said grabbing my hand and guiding us to the living room."Kevin.."I couldn't handle it. This day was tough. All i could do was cry."Hey hey whats wrong"Kevin rubbed my back. I grabbed the pregnancy test from my bag and gave it to him. I didn't wanna see his reaction. I put my face on my lap."Your pregnant "he asked.No bitch I have covid.Eli nodded."Melissa I don't know what to say" he said."Its ok you don't have to say anything "I said standing up and heading to the door.

I felt a hand grab my arm. Kevin turned me around and kissed me. I could feel him smile through the kiss."Im not gonna leave u silly. I love you and I will help you through this"He smiled giving me a kiss on the head. I smiled and gave him the biggest hug.

"Im not gonna be able to go school due to sickness and well you know all that stuff"I said looking down at my feet."Thats fine but your gonna have to call me if you need anything "Kevin said."We need to tell Diego"Eli said. I nodded. Eli texted Diego to come over to Kevin's house.

20 minutes later he arrived and went to the living room with us."what's up guys"He said dabbing up Kevin."We wanna tell you something pitufo"I said smiling at him.He rolled his eyes due to his nickname."You're shorter than me pitufa"He laughed."Whatever but I wanted to tell you that"I gave him the pregnancy test."NO WAY NO WAY"he jumped up and started running around. We all laughed due to his actions."Vamos hacer tios"He jumped up grabbing Eli. He soon stopped and gave us a dirty look."That means that y'all had sex" he gagged. I laughed."Acting like if you don't have it with Eli"I said."We don't"they both said.I looked at Kevin."Janitors closet" Me and Kevin said at the same time.Diego and Eli turned to look at each other. They went red. We laughed.

I got a message as we were making cookies.


Hi hermana!This is Carlos.
I heard your pregnant.
I just wanna say congratulations!!
Yeah your young but you can do it
Im here if you need anything!

brother I missed you so
much!Thank you!!!

-contact name changed to Carlos👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼♥️-


Ofc hermanita mia!We will
go visit you and mom in two days
excited for that.😊you can meet
your sobrina.!!!!!her and her mom
Have been talking nonstop
about you saying how
beautiful you are😂☺️.


-message liked by carlos👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼♥️-

"My brother is gonna come visit in two days" I said."YOU HAVE A BROTHER?!?"Diego shouted."Yeah Carlos Chavez"I smiled."CARLOS CHAVEZ I TOLS U KEVIN I FUCKING TOLD YOU THAG THEY LOOKED ALIKE"Diego jumped up and down."Why are u shouting"I laughed."Wake up your brother is THE Carlos Chavez the GREATEST PLAYER FOR MANCHESTER UNITED.HES MY FUCKING IDOL"he said squealing like a little girl."Oh"is all i said."You better invite me over when he comes"He said pointing at me."Yeah yeah"I looked back at my phone. Should I text the groupchat and tell them.Fuck it.


Mom🤗😘:Hi guys!!!!!

Goldenboy🏆:Hola mama😁😁😁



                                      Mom🤗😘:Guys les voy a
                                     decir algo pero no digan   
                                      nada like I mean it!!!

Culon😍:Ok wsp

                                    Mom🤗😘:Im pregnant.

Goldenboy🏆:NO WAY NO WAY



Goldenboy🏆:Im gonna start crying

                                   Mom🤗😘:I wish😪😪

Culon😍:Hes crying atm

                                Mom🤗😘:Aw pablito🙁🙁

Goldenboy🏆:It feels like we were
kids playing soccer yesterday☹️

                             Mom🤗😘:Aw stop your gonna
                             make me cry☹️🙁

Goldenboy🏆:We are booking
tickets to Mexico asap i miss
you hermanita💔💔💔

                           Mom🤗😘:Pls pls do I wanna see     
                            you guys☹️♥️


Hi Melissa!!This is Memo
I heard the great news from Kevin
Dont worry he only told me, I just
wanted to say congratulations 🥰🥰

                                          Thank you memo I
                                           appreciate it🥰
     -contact name changed to memo⚽️-
Yes of course U need to come by
we wanna meet you!!!

                                      Im looking forward for that
                                      ill see if Kevin takes me to  
                                      one of the practices!


Is love real?/Kevin AlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now