The train.

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June 20th

5:30 pm

The sun has begun to set beyond the

Dozens of people had been boarding buses or subway trains after their long shifts to get home, while some were seen walking their dogs down the loud, busy streets of New York.

The city was crouded with many people that were hurrying home before a huge storm would arrive.

Bryson had met his boyfriend Liam outside of a tall office building before heading to the subway station to go to his apartment which was on the other side of the city.

"Should we take the bus instead, taking the subway at night makes me a bit nervous,"
Liam said, as a few small drops of rain fell on them.

"I know"
Bryson tried to reassure him while opening his umbrella
"But taking the subway would be a lot faster and plus because of the storm the busses aren't running at the moment."

Liam quietly said as they started walking towards the station.

While waiting for the train to arrive, Liam started to feel the need for the restroom but he quickly brushed it off.

"You need anything before the train arrives?"
Bryson placed a hand on Liam's shoulder and before Liam could say anything, the train arrived.

They had been on the train for about 15 minutes and because of the powerful winds, the power was knocked out and the subway had begun to stop.

"Oh no.."
Liam said as his urge became worse. He felt pressure on his bladder and he shoved his hands between his legs.

Bryson noticed and looked genuinely concerned.
"Need to use the restroom..?"

Liam's face turned red but he nodded slowly, trying to distract himself from needing to use the restroom.

"I have a bottle in case you can't hold it.."
Liam shook his head, his bladder was too shy to be able to let his urine out in front of so many people.

After a few minutes passed, Liam struggled to hold it in knowing he'd have an accident in any moment.

"I don't think I can hold it much longer"
Liam presses his hands tightly on his crotch but unfortunately it wasn't really enough. He gasped as a very small amount of pee started to come out.

"It's going to come out!"
He started to whimper and everyone else in the car that they were in started to laugh as he cried.

Bryson handed him a bottle.
"It's alright.."
He put a hand on Liam's shoulder but Liam was too bladder shy to be able to pee in a bottle in front of what seemed like dozens of people. He felt some more urine leak out of his bladder and he squeezed his bladder muscles as tight as he could, but it was too late.

Liam gasped as he felt his urine starting to pour out of his bladder. A large puddle started to form all over the seat and floor.

When he finished, he hid his face underneath his shirt.

Bryson saw what had happened after he had been on the phone with his mom.
"Oh, baby..."
He hugged him, rubbing his back softly as Liam started to cry into Bryson's chest.
"Shhhhhhh, it's alright, accidents happen my love.."

"I know, it's just that-"
Bryson gently placed his hand on Liam's mouth.
"It's okay, just remember that I still love you no matter what."
Liam's eyes completely filled with tears
"I...I love you too"

The End.

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