The plane.

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August 18th

11:55 am

Boston, Massachusetts.

Gus and his mom were waiting at a gate in one of 3 airport terminals at Logan Airport. They would board their plane at 12 that would head to LAX in Los Angeles.

"I'm so excited, I cannot wait to see Jade again!"
Gus said, looking back and forth at his watch then at his mom.
"I know, I can't wait to see my baby brother again as well, it's been a while."

After 3 minutes of chatting, there was an announcement.
Delta flight 541 to Los Angeles is now boarding, I repeat, Delta flight 541 to Los Angeles is now boarding.

Gus jumped up excited.
"That's us"
His mom said, holding Gus' hand as they boarded the plane.

"Gus, did you use the restroom before we got to the gate, I can't remember if you did or not."
He didn't but the bathrooms on the plane were closed until after they reached 30,000 feet.

"Now that you mention it, I kinda need to go.."
He wasn't desperate but he had a slight need.

The plane started to head towards the run way as the flight attendants were going over safety procedures and things like that.

After a bit, the plane took off. Gus' need worsened right when they reached 25,000 feet.

It was a six and a half hour flight to Los Angeles so he thought he could sleep it off.

He slept for about 6 hours and 15 minutes with only 15 minutes remaining of the flight.
"Well, good afternoon sleepy head.:
His mom rubbed his head.
Gus was squirming around in his seat, and he felt his bladder ache.

He whimpered knowing he'd have to wait 15 minutes until he was able to relieve himself because of his shy bladder.
"Gus, you alright baby?"
His mom asked, very concerned.

"Y-yeah, just having a hard time sitting still..."
He would squirm some more and she looked at her phone.

15 minutes passed and the plane had landed safely at LAX in Los Angeles, California.

"Ughhh.....I really gotta pee..."
Gus thought to himself after they got off the plane.

They went to baggage claim to retrieve their luggage from the plane. While doing so, Gus squirmed more, shoving his hands between his shaky thighs.

His mom had noticed that he needed to go and tried to reassure him.
"Go use the restroom honey. I'll grab the suitcases."

Gus went to go get in line for the restroom and it seemed like there were a hundred people in line waiting.

"Is there another bathroom nearby? I feel like I'm going to burst!"
He thought to himself, anxious knowing how bladder shy he was.

He frantically looked around, but there was no other bathroom in sight. He had no choice but to hold it in.

After about 10 minutes, the line kept moving forward and small amounts of urine leaked out of his bladder.

"Come on, come on! Hurry up!!"
He thougyt, feeling like his bladder was going to explode.

He began to leak more, and after a bit, his small, weak bladder gave in.

He began to urinate, letting out a gasp.

After he finished, he fell onto his knees beginning to cry.

"Oh baby...."
His mom ran to him after grabbing the suitcases.
"Shhhhhhh...don't cry kiddo, it's going to be okay...I brought you some spare clothes to change into just in case, alright?"
She tried to reassure him.


The End.

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