Matt x reader (road trip)

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- yes, I am a Gustholomule shipper but this was requested by a friend of mine and in our au we ship Matt and Gus with someone else.

Also 'y/n' is a Clawthorne. And a male.

unknown date

One afternoon, Matt was having a sleepover at the Owl House with y/n and Eda had decided to take them on a road trip.

   "Everyone ready?"
Eda asked, after they had packed their bags with water, snacks, etc.

Matt said, looking at y/n with a smile on his face.

Y/n couldn't help but blush.
   "Why are you so cute?"
He ruffled Matt's hair a bit.

Matt blushed, feeling a small urge to pee but he brushed it off.

   "Anyone need to use the bathroom before we go..?"
Eda asked.

Matt and Y/n both headed outside.

   "Alright then"
Ed said, following them.

- 45 minutes into the car ride -

Matt began to squirm a little.

Y/n looked at him.
   "You alright Matty?"
He looked a little concerned.

   "I'm alright, I just can't sit still."
Matt smiled.

   "Alright, just let me know if you need anything."
Y/n smiled.

- later -

Matt held himself tightly.
   "What's wrong..?"
Y/n asked, he was genuinely concerned.

   "I need the bathroom..."
Matt held himself even tighter as he leaked. There was a small but visible wet spot on his pants.

   "I have a bottle that you can use.."
Y/n offered him an empty water bottle.

   "It's alright, I think I can hold it.."
Matt smiled. Y/n knew he couldn't and since Eda accidentally overheard the conversation, she pulled over by some large bushes.

   "I'm not gonna make it..."
Matt's bladder was in a lot of pain and y/n helped him out of the car.

   "It's okay bud, I'll be in the car, just call me if you need anything.."
Y/n got in the car.

Matt was about to unzip his pants but there was a problem...his zipper was stuck...

He began fidgeting with his zipper but nothing worked.

He kept trying and trying to get his zipper unstuck for 3 minutes. His bladder was in so much pain, he couldn't take it anymore.

He let go. He began wetting himself completely. A massive puddle had begun to form underneath him.

He began to cry.

He hid behind the bush hoping y/n wouldn't notice.

Y/n looked out of the window. When he didn't see Matt, he panicked.

   "Everything okay y/n?"
Eda asked.

   "Mhm..I'm just gonna go check on Matt."
Y/n got out of the car.
He heard him crying.

He saw him behind the bush.

   "Oh's okay."
He sat next to him and comforted him.

   "I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to ruin this road trip..."
Matt cried and y/n hugged him.

   "It's okay, I'm sure my mom won't mind taking us back home, and maybe we could put some comfy pajamas on and watch movies."
Y/n smiled.

Matt smiled and they both got back in the car and headed back to the owl house.

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