Midnight issues (part 2 of snow).

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They had returned to their hotel room after that whole incident they happened and Duncan still felt really ashamed even though he knew he couldn't control his bladder.

   "I...I'm gonna go take a shower..."
Duncan said, heading towards the bathroom.

Once he was done, he put some warm pajamas on and layed in bed, his eyes filling with tears.

Sam stood in the doorway of Duncan's room (the hotel room had 2 bedrooms).
   "Bud, it's okay. I'm not mad at you."
He walked towards him and rubbed his back softly.

   "I know...but...I'm mad at myself..."
Duncan said, holding back tears.

   "I understand."
Sam went through similar things when he was Duncan's age.
   "It's going to be okay, I promise."
He kissed his forehead gently.
   "Get some sleep kiddo."
He walked towards the door, and turned off the light as he walked out.

When the next day began to arrive, Duncan had woken pretty early.

It was 11:30 pm. He could hear planes landing at the small airport nearby the hotel.

He had woken up from a nightmare with a semi-full bladder. He wanted to get up to go use the bathroom but he didn't want to wake anyone up.

After 25 minutes passed, his bladder ached and let out small amounts of urine every couple of seconds.

Unfortunately for Duncan, he felt that if he moved even the slightest bit, he'd have an accident.
   "ughh, I really should have gone to the bathroom when I had the chance..."
He thought to himself not knowing how much time he had left before his bladder would burst.

He shoved his hands between his thighs, using all the strength he had in his muscles to hold it in.
He whimpered, hoping nobody had woken up.


He froze, Zach was standing in the doorway of his bedroom.

   "What are you doing awake at this time..?
He asked, walking towards him.
   "Are you feeling alright?"
He placed a hand on his forehead.

   "I feel fine..."
Duncan said, his bladder aching, demanding for release.

   "Well, you don't feel warm at all, that's a relief.."
Zach smiled and rubbed Duncan's head softly, ruffling his hair.

   "Is anything bothering you..? You seem upset, what's the matter kiddo?"
He asked, a little concerned.

Duncan whimpered, squeezing his thighs together tightly.
   "I gotta go to the bathroom..."
He squirmed around, his eyes quickly filled with tears as he felt like his bladder was going to explode any second.

   "Here, I'll help you."
Zach said, slowly lifting Duncan off the bed.

   "please put me down, I'm not going to make it!"
He whimpered.

Zach placed him down and that's when it happened.

Duncan froze as urine started to soak his pants completely before forming a puddle underneath him.
When he had finished, he ran to the bathroom locking himself in.
   "I'm such an idiot!"
He began to cry, which had woken Sam up.

   "What happened, is he okay!?"
Sam asked, really concerned.

   "Oh, he had an accident. He's really upset about it"
Zach said, trying to open the door.

   "Duncan, can we please come in? We just want to help you.."
The door was unlocked and Duncan stood there with tears running down his face.

   "Oh, my poor baby.."
Sam quickly hugged him, rubbing his back.
   "shhhhhh..it's okay.."
Duncan began to cry, burying his face into Sam's chest.
   "Don't cry kiddo, everything will be okay..I promise!"

(To be continued? Let me know of y'a want a part 3)

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