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March 22nd

6:59 am

It was a quiet, peaceful morning. Children were seen playing before the school bus came to take them to school.

Others, were sleeping. Gus was one of them. His mom came in to wake him up since he had slept through his alarm.

"Gus, time to wake up."
He hid under the covers.

"5 more minutes..."
He mumbled quietly but it was loud enough that his mom could hear it.

"Come on baby, we can stop and get breakfast on the way to school."
She walked towards him.
"I...I don't feel like it...I'm not really that hungry.."
He rubbed his eyes and buried his face in the pillow.

"Are you feeling okay..?"
His mom looked genuinely concerned, and she places her hand on Gus' forehead and checked his temperature.
"Oh baby.."
He had a fever of 102°F
"I'll make you some chicken soup, is that okay..?"

Gus looked extremely exhausted.
"Yeah..that's fine.."
His mom could tell by the sound of his voice that he really wasn't feeling well.
"I'll take the day off work so I can take care of you, okay?"

Gus nodded slowly, he was too sick to move.

As a few minutes passed, and as Gus' mom was in the kitchen making him some soup, he felt a slight need for the bathroom but he was too embarrassed to ask him mom for help and his older sister was at school.

He spent about 10 minutes coughing and sneezing and shivering and after that was over his need worsened.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling..?"
His mom came in his room with a bowl of chicken soup.
"I heard you coughing and sneezing, is everything okay..?"

Gus teared up
He was to embarrassed to tell his mom that he needed to pee.
"Never mind..."
He shoved his hands between his legs after a small amount of urine leaked out of his bladder.

"Need to use the bathroom..?"
His mom said, noticing how uncomfortable he looked.
"I'll carry you, okay..?"
She carefully picked him up, accidentally squeezing his bladder a bit.

A few more drops of urine leaked out.
"M-mom...I'm not gonna make it!"
Tears fell from his eyes and she placed him down.
"Let it out, it's okay.."
She tried to reassure him, and because he was sick he lost his balance and fell on the floor.

Once he hit the ground, he let out a gasp as urine started to pour out of his bladder.

Gus started shaking a lot and his mom picked him up.
"It's going to be okay kiddo...I promise.."

(To be continued)

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