The hospital visit (part 2 of sick).

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After Gus took a nice, warm bath, his mom tucked him into bed.

"I need to run to the store so I'll be gone for an hour or two. Call me if you need anything."
She kissed Gus' forehead softly.
"Love you kiddo, your father will be home shortly."

She left the house and after 10 minutes had passed his father came home with some medicine.
He went to check on him.
"Hey buddy. Your mom told me you weren't feeling well so I brought you some medicine.."
He placed his hand on Gus' forehead.
"You're mom wasn't kidding when she said you were sick, you're burning up.."
He checked his temperature, and unfortunately for poor Gus, his fever went up to 103.9°F

"You poor thing..."
Gus had started coughing a lot and every time he coughed, it felt like a million rocks were crushing his lungs trying to break them into a million pieces.

He tried to speak, but it was too painful for him, and he kept out a small, but quiet whimper.

"Save your voice kiddo, I'll take you to the hospital."
He wrapped Gus in a warm blanket and carried him to the car.
"I'll leave a note for your mom on the door in case she comes back while we're gone."

He left a note on the door and drove Gus to the hospital.

"Hang in there buddy.."
Gus was lying in the back of his dad's car, shivering.
"We'll be there soon"

After they arrived at the hospital, and after they could find a room for him, they laid Gus on a comfy hospital bed placing an oxygen mask on him.

"It's going to be okay, you're mom texted me, she'll be here soon."

Gus squeezed his dad's hand tightly, he was scared of hospitals but he knew that the doctors would take good care of him.

After 25 minutes had passed, his mother arrived. Gus had fallen asleep because of the medicine he had been given.

"Is he going to be okay..?"
His mom said, worried that she would lose her son like she almost lost Gus' older sister in a fire.

"He'll be fine, but he's being kept on oxygen until he's well enough to go home."

Her eyes filled with tears, and Gus' dad hugged her.
"It's alright my love, he's going to fight whatever it is that he has, he's a fighter."

(To be continued)

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