Elevator troubles

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Requested by nerdyfanficfan3255

(Ty for the request btw, im losing motivation-)

Jasper was walking home after a walk from the park when he saw his best friend 'Luca'

Jasper yelled and waved as Luca looked at him. Luca ran to him and gave him a hug.

Luca smiled.
   'Are you free this afternoon?'

Jasper nodded.
   'Yeah, why?'

Luca sighed.
   'Well, I dunno...I haven't seen you in a while, since y'know...and I thought we could hang out.'

Jasper smiled.
   'Of course, maybe we could go to my place and watch a movie!'

Luca smiled and grabbed Jasper by the arm and dragged him to his apartment.
   'Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!'

They had arrived at the apartment building and had walked inside the elevator.

Jasper pushed the button, and he leaned against the wall as the door closed.

He felt some pressure on his bladder but he ignored it, but he did regret having 4 bottles of water, knowing how weak his bladder is.

He slightly pressed his legs together, but he didn't seem to worry too much since he'd just go when they got to his apartment.

But then...it happened.

The elevator came to a sudden stop.
Jasper clung onto Luca and began shaking a little.

   'It's okay..'
Luca comforted the frightened boy as he stroked his hair softly.
'Mind if I braid your hair? I used to braid my little sister's hair all the time.'

Jasper nodded.

Luca braided Jasper's hair as they planned the movie night.

   'So uh, I was thinking...could we have a sleepover?'
Jasper asked once Luca had finished braiding his hair.

   'Sure! I'd have to get my things from my place though..'
Jasper looked at him.
   'No need, I have a pull out sofa and some extra pillows, blankets, clothes...you name it.'

Luca smiled.
   'Oh, okay.'

Some time had passed since the elevator had stopped. Jasper was just standing in a corner, legs pressed together.

While Luca was trying to call someone to come and rescue them, Jasper held himself. He was getting desperate but he wanted to try to hold it until he got to his apartment.

Luca looked at him, and Jasper let go of himself. He didn't want Luca to see him holding himself like a child.

   'The service here isn't great and I tried pressing the emergency button but nothing's working...looks like we won't be getting out of here any time soon..I'm sorry..'

Jasper frowned. He really needed to go but he really didn't want to focus on that right now.

   'That's okay...what matters is that we have each other...if I was here alone, I'd be pretty terrified...'
Luca hugged him gently.

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