stupid winter (part 3 of snow)

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Once Duncan finally calmed down, he took a bath and changed into a clean pair of pajamas.

Sam tucked him in bed.
"If you need anything, don't be afraid to wake us up, okay kiddo?"
He kissed Duncan's forehead softly before ruffling his hair.

Duncan nodded before laying his head down on his pillow. San went back into their bedroom where Zach already was.

He later fell asleep, before waking up at 7:30 am the next morning.

Sam was making breakfast while Zach was packing up before they left to go visit some relatives that live in the area.

"Everything is all packed"
Zach said, after packing up the last of their things.

"Thanks love"
Sam said, kissing Zach's cheek.

"No problem"
Zach said, sitting down at the table.

After they ate, they began taking their belongings down the stairs into the hotel lobby.

They were given a sled so they wouldn't have to carry their things through the snow.

"Ready to go Duncan..?"
Sam asked.

Duncan said, running out of the door.

They were heading to Zach's sisters house. Duncan was really excited to finally meet his aunt.

When they got there, Zach knocked on the door.

His sister, Amara, answered it.
"Zach! How's my baby bro doing?"
She hugged him tightly.

"Amara, I'm only 3 months younger than you"
He hugged her back.
"It's so good to see you."

"You too!"
She said, before looking over at Duncan.
"Aww, is this your son? He's so cute!"

Duncan said, with an adorable smile on his face. He wasn't really feeling well and he didn't want to tell his parents so he kept a smile on his face to hide it.

"Well, come on in!"
She gave them a tour of her house and let them get settled.

"If you need anything, let me know."
She went into the kitchen.

Duncan layed on the couch.

"Hey kiddo, don't you wann go play outside..?"
Sam asked.

Duncan shook his head.
"I don't really feel like it..."

"What's the matter..?"
Sam looked extremely concerned.

"N-nothing..I'm fine!"
He smiled, even though he felt a slight urge for the restroom.

"Okay...just let me know if you need something."
He left the room.

Duncan wrapped himself in a blanket as he begun to shiver.
"I really don't feel well..."
He thought to himself.

He squirmed a little as his bladder usually becomes weak when he's sick.
He squeaked quietly as a small spurt escaped from his bladder.

"Duncan..? Buddy, what's the matter..?"
Zach asked, picking Duncan up and placing him on his lap.

"Y'know you can tell us.."
He looked really concerned.

"I-I don't feel well.."
He tears up a little, and shivers a lot.

"Oh's okay.."
Zach cuddled him.

Duncan sneezed, still shivering a lot. Just by looking into his eyes, you could tell he was very exhausted.

"Sam, baby, can you come here for a moment..?"
Zach asked, and Sam ran into the room.

"What's up?"
Sam sat next to them.

"Duncan doesn't feel well"
Zach said. Sam looked worried and placed a hand on Duncan's forehead.

"Yeah..he's burning up.."
Sam kissed Duncan's forehead softly.

"Hey Amara, can you bring some medicine for Duncan..?"

"Sure thing!"
She said, giving them some medicine.

Duncan took it.
"ughh, it tastes horrible.."

"I know buddy, but it will make you feel better."
Sam said.

Zach tucked him in bed in one of the guest bedrooms Amara had.
"Get some sleep kiddo."
He kissed his forehead.

Duncan's need for the bathroom worsened. He shifted around trying not to make a sound.

He coughed which made another, bigger spurt escape from his bladder.
He held himself.

"What's the matter kiddo..?"
Sam stood at the doorway of the guest room.

"I need to go to the's an emergency!"
He said, on the verge of tears as another spurt escaped from his bladder.

Sam helped him up but as soon as he stood happened...

Urine started running down Duncan's legs, soaking his pants completely before creating a massive puddle on the floor.

Duncan's eyes filled with tears.
"I'm sorry!"
Sam hugged him.

"Shhhh, let's get you cleaned up, okay?"
Sam said, comforting him.

Duncan nodded slowly.

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