camping troubles.

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This was a request from a friend of mine. :))
content warning(s):

this story contains the following:

- pee/omorashi
- cuss words (only 2)

if you do not like these things, please click off immediately.

Also yes, this contains two characters from The Owl House (great series, I recommend it! (You can watch it on Disney+, YouTube, Disney Channel,, (I think that's what it's called), etc)) and an OC of mine. :))

(Btw this is an AU between me and my friend so please don't judge)

I hope you enjoy!

Normal ending:

Unknown month/day
7:00 pm

Steve, Mattholomule, and his boyfriend Johan have decided to go camping in a forest. A quite spooky forest, but that didn't matter to them.

All that mattered was that they were going to have the BEST camping trip ever!

   "Do you guys wanna tell some scary stories while we roast some marshmallows?"
Steve asked.

Matt and Johan happily agreed.

Steve started a fire and Matt and Johan sat beside each other putting marshmallows on their sticks.

   "So, who's going first..?"
Johan asked, holding his marshmallow close to the fire.

   "I'll go."
Matt said.
   "I've heard rumors about this scary beast that had roamed this forest for centuries. Some say that it still roams it today and that it lives in an underground burrow near a raven shaped boulder, so whatever you do, do not wander around the forest at night, or this beast will probably take your liver."

Johan looked shocked but calm at the same time.
   "I don't believe that but if you do, I'm fine with it, anyway it's my turn."

He cleared his throat.
   "Alright, so I've heard this legend that there's this spirit, or spirits, that takes something or someone you love. It kinda haunts me to this day but y'know I don't really believe in supernatural things like that. But you never know...this spirit could be lurking around this forest as we speak.."

He looked over at Matt for a second. He was shifting around a bit.

   "You okay..?"
He looked a little concerned.

   "I'm may continue.."
He felt a slight, growing urge for the restroom but he brushed it off so he could listen to the story.

   "Alright, well, if you see the spirit, do not look at it directly in the eye, because that something or someone that you love, will be gone.......FOREVER!"

  "W-what does the spirit look like...?"
Matt asked, still shifting around a bit.

Johan tried to remember.
   "Oh yes, it's light purple and it has 8 eyes and they glow so bright that it could possibly petrify someone."

Matt said, amazed but also a little frightened because he doesn't want to lose him...or Steve.

He clung onto Johan.

   "Aww, are you scared...?~"
Johan teased.

Matt said, a little embarrassed.

   "Y'know, it's okay to be's nothing to be ashamed of.."

Matt nodded, remembering about his need but he brushed it off.

He kept squirming around a lot.

   "Matty, you sure you're alright..?"
He genuinely looked concerned.

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