The mall.

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April 22nd

10:30 am

"Come on Lainey! Get up!"
Elaine slowly woke up, her little brother Oliver jumping on her.

"How many times have I told you to stop calling me that...but you're my little brother so I guess I'll allow it."

She sat up, rubbing her eyes before putting her glasses on.
"Alright, let's go, but please explain to me why you just woke me up? I was practically awake all night.."

Oliver kept trying to drag her out of bed.
"Because mom's taking us to the mall!"

Elaine got out of bed.
"Oh, alright then."
Oliver ran down the stairs and Elaine followed him, not running, but walking instead.

"Elaine, glad to see that you're awake."
Her mother said, cooking breakfast.

"I'd still be asleep if Oliver hadn't woken me up.."
Elaine looked at Oliver giving him the death stare.
"But it's alright now"
She chuckled.

"Alright, and I don't know if he told you but we're going to the mall after breakfast, and maybe your girlfriend will be there too!"
Her mother smirked.

Elaine rolled her eyes.
"Mika and I are just friends. Plus, she likes guys."

Her mother place a hand on her shoulder.
"Come on, I bet she likes you..I've seem her blush every time she was around you when she came over for the sleepover last weekend.:

Elaine's face became a red, hot tomato.
"Mom, please, you're embarrassing me!"
She covered her face with her hands.

"Alright, alright. I was just messing with you."
She smirked.

After what seemed like 5 hours of talking about her best friend, maybe future girlfriend, they arrived at the mall.

What Elaine didn't know is that Mika worked at her favorite pretzel shop in the center of the mall.

They walked around the mall for a bit when it hit her. Elaine felt a slight need for the bathroom, but she ignored it.

"Mom, I need to use the bathroom.."
Oliver said, hands between his legs.

"I'm going to take your brother to the bathroom, do you need to go as well?"
Her mom asked.
"Nope, I'm okay, I'm going to go get some pretzels if that's okay"
She squirmed a tiny bit but fortunately it wasn't noticeable.

"That's fine"
She walked towards a pretzel stand where Mika worked. The center of the mall was home to a huge food court with a huge waterfall with animatronics of birds, bugs, and some other animals like dear, wolves and other animals you would find in a forest.

As she got close to the center, her need worsened. Her legs started to shake and a small amount of urine had leaked out of her bladder.

She shoved her hands between her legs and that's when she saw her.

Mika, was making homemade pretzels. Elaine froze, knowing that if Mika saw her, they would have a really long conversation.

"Don't notice me...please..."
She thought to herself and Miks saw her and waved.

Elaine froze and slowly walked towards the pretzel stand.

She had one hand between her legs while she was using the other to buy a pretzel.
"I didn't know you worked here.."
She said, nervously.

"I got a job here yesterday, it's so much fun!"
Mika said, cheerfully.
"Oh and here"
She handed Elaine a large, soft pretzel covered in chocolate with pecan bits all over it.
"I know it's your favorite so I made it, as your best friend, of course.."
She slightly blushed as she handed the pretzel to her.

Elaine said, blushing as some more urine started to leak out.
"Listen...I um...I have to use the bathroom, can we talk later..?"
She looked nervous as she said that as if she hurt Mika's feelings or something.

"Go ahead!"
She leaned over and kissed Elaine on the cheek. Elaine then froze and almost dropped her pretzel when urine starting to pour out of her bladder uncontrollably.
Mika noticed what had happened and she immediately felt guilty.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!! What was I thinking. I-"
Elaine stopped her.

"Y''s alright. I've actually liked you for the longest time but I've never had the courage to tell you..."
She said, hoping Mika would hate her after she said that.

"I like you too.."
Mika said, leaning over for another kiss, but this time, Elaine kissed her on the lips.

Mika had been surprised at first but then she returned the kiss.

Elaine asked Mika after the kiss.


The End.

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