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December 22nd

2:35 pm

It was a cold, winter afternoon. It had been snowing since noon, and about 2.5 feet of snow had covered the area.

   "Wow, it really is beautiful outside."
Duncan stared out of the window of the hotel room they were staying in. His family had gone on vacation to France for the holidays.

His two dad's had left to go get some French snacks to try. He wanted to go outside but it was almost below freezing outside and his dads told him to stay at the hotel while they were gone. And because of his weak bladder, the cold made it harder for him to hold in his urine most of the time.

He continued to stare out the window, looking over a large town covered in so many Christmas lights. It was still snowing so they had them on so nobody got lost in the snow.

After a little bit, he felt a slight need for the bathroom but he wanted to keep looking outside at the snow so he ignored it. His dads had returned with some snacks after a few minutes.

Duncan heard them and ran to them giving them both a hug.

   "Hey kiddo."
Sam (one of his dads) said, ruffling Duncan's soft curly hair.

   "We brought you some snacks!"
Zach (his other dad said) said as he placed the snacks on the table in the small dining room they had in their hotel room.

Duncan said, before shoving some pastries in his mouth.
He was already in a food coma.

   "How about we watch a movie"
Duncan suggested, his need slowly worsened as a small amount of urine leaked out of his bladder.

   "That's a great idea!"
Sam agreed and the 3 of them sat on thr couch and put "The Santa clause" on the TV. It was in French so Sam had turned the English closed captions on.

The movie went on for half an hour when it hit him.

   "I really gotta pee.."
Duncan thought to himself, trying not to squirm because he didn't want to ruin the movie for his dad's.

A small amount of urine leaked out and he shoved his hands between his legs and let out a tiny squeak.

   "You okay kiddo..?"
Zach asked, pausing the movie. He seemed really concerned.

   " can unpause the movie.."
He tried not to move so much but as some more urine force its way out of his bladder, he squeaked some more pressing his hands on his crotch ad tightly as he can.
   "If you need to go to the bathroom, we'll wait for you, it's okay.."
Sam said, very concerned.

   "I'm fine. I just wanna play in the snow!"
He lied.

   "Alright, but only for 5 minutes, it's almost below freezing out there and I don't want my baby getting frostbite."
Sam said, pinching Duncan's cheeks gently.
   "I'll be fine dad, I promise!"
He hurried over to the door and quickly put his jacket, boots, hat, scarf and gloves on and hurried out the door, down the stairs (they were on the second floor so the elevator was kinda useless at that point) and out the door in the snow.

   "Oh no...."
He thought to himself, knowing that this was a very bad idea.

More urine had begun to leak out of him and he frantically looked for a place to pee without anyone knowing.

He wanted to try to hurry back to the hotel room but he was almost out of time.

He was at his bursting point.

He searched the area for somewhere to urinate and he spotted some bushes nearby.

The snow was very deep so he had trouble walking to them but luckily, he made it.

He quickly looked around making sure nobody was nearby. Thankfully, no one was there but there was one small problem. His zipper was stuck.

   "Dammit! I knew wearing jeans was a bad idea!"
He fidgeted with his zipper, trying to get it unstuck. While he was doing that, urine started to trickle down his legs.

   "Come on! Come on!"
He thought to himself and once he got it was too late...

His urine, started to form from just small trickles to a huge stream, soaking his jeans completely.

His eyes began to fill with tears.
   "No....they're gonna kill me if they find out I had an accident..."
He collapsed into the cold snow and began to cry.

His dads ran out because he'd been out there for almost 10 minutes.
   "Duncan, I told you you could only be out here f--"
Sam yelled, stopping himself when he saw Duncan lying in the snow crying uncontrollably, seeing the yellow snow beneath him.

Duncan tried to explain the situation but he choked on his tears knowing how mad his dads were for being out longer than he was supposed to.

It was below freezing and Duncan sat there, shivering and sobbing uncontrollably.

Sam helped him up.
   "I..I...I'm sorry..! I--"
Sam hugged him.

   "Shhhhh..don't cry kiddo. It's not your fault."
The 3 of them hugged each other, before returning inside.

(To be continued)

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