Again!? (part 3/finale of sick).

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After 25 minutes of crying and panicking, Gus' mom fell asleep on his dad's shoulder.

Gus eventually woke up while she was sleeping.
"M-mom, dad..?"
His mom woke up to the sound of her son's voice.
"Hey kiddo, are you feeling any better..?"
She asked, still a bit concerned.

"A chest is a little achy but I think I'll be okay.."
He said softly, coughing a little bit.

"Get some rest baby.."

After a few hours, a doctor came in.
"How's he doing?"
The doctor asked.

"He's doing better"
His mom said.
"But, he's still tired and he says his chest is a bit achy."
His father added.

"Good news"
The doctor said.
"He is well enough to go home but we want him to be kept on oxygen to keep his lungs stable."

"Thank you"
His mom said, tearing up a little.

"No problem"
The doctor said as she left the room.

After about an hour, they left the hospital and on the way home Gus felt a slight need for the restroom.

"You doing alright kiddo?"
Gus' mom asked, still very worried about him knowing how weak his immune system must be after what had happened.
"Y-yeah, I just need to use the restroom.."
He squirmed a tiny but he could care less.

"We'll find a gas station to stop at, okay baby?"
Gus nodded and laid his head against the window.

45 minutes passed and they got stuck in traffic, and unfortunately for Gus, not only his immune system weakened, but his bladder did too.

He shoved his hands between his shaky legs and he began to move around a lot.

"Hang in there buddy...we'll get you to the bathroom soon, we promise."
His mom said, trying to reassure him.

55 minutes later, Gus really needed to go, but they were still stuck in traffic.

"Mmmph...m-mom, I don't think I can hold it much longer..."
His bladder was in so much pain from holding it for too long.

"Try to hold on buddy, or if you want you may use a bottle instead.."
Gus shook his head.
"N-no thanks.."
His bladder was too shy to be able to let his urine out in front of people..especially his parents.

15 minutes later, small amounts of urine leaked out of Gus' bladder every couple if seconds. He knew he would have an accident at any moment.
He pressed his hands against his crotch tightly trying to prevent anymore urine from leaking out.
"Are you sure you don't wanna use a bottle honey..?"
His mom asked, very concerned.

"I don't wanna use it..."
Gus began to cry knowing he'd have an accident any second.

"Oh baby..."
His mom pulled the car over at a rest area and she helped Gus out of the car.
"I'm not gonna make it! I-it's coming out..!"
Gus said, panicking as he squeezed his legs together tightly, but unfortunately for him, it was too late..

Urine started to pour into his shorts and run down his legs forming a massive puddle underneath him.

He burst into tears.

His mom hugged him once he had finished urinating.
"It's okay kiddo, you're lucky I brought some spare clothes with me just in case.."

Gus hugged her tightly.
"Thanks mom.."
He dried his tears.

"No problem kiddo."

The End.

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