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enjoy. :]

9:30 am

It was a cold day...the sky was full of clouds. Leo and I took a walk to my favorite ice cream shop and as we were walking had started to rain. Thankfully, I came prepared and brought my rain coat.

I put it on and after a bit of walking, I could see Leo shaking a tiny bit as if he were cold.

"Want my coat...?"
I take off my coat and offer it to him. He shakes his head.

"'s your coat...and besides...I'll be fine.."
He says and without hesitation I basically shove the coat into his hands.

"Take it...please.."
I say, and he looks worried at first.
"I'll be fine."
He just sighs.


After a few more minutes, it started to rain harder...not to mention that thunder could be heard in the distance. And it's getting really cold....maybe he was right. Maybe I did need the coat......but that doesn't matter now.

We keep walking for about 10 minutes and we eventually seek shelter at a cafe to wait out the storm. Leo looks at me.

"Are you sure you don't want your coat?"
He says, as if he thinks I'm cold....which I am...but I won't admit it. I shake my head.

I say, and he just sighs again. We talk for a few minutes before ordering some hot chocolate and I can feel some pressure in my bladder...which reminds me that I hadn't peed at all this morning...but I don't think this place has any bathrooms...oh well.

Once we had gotten our hot chocolate...I take 1 sip before placing it down on the table. I place my head on the table as I'm starting to feel a little tired....

"You sure you're alright?'re acting kinda off..."
He says in a calm tone. I lift my head up and nod slowly.

"Mhm...just tired.."
I say, and he looks outside.

"I don't think this storm is going to pass anytime soon, but we should head home.."
He says before finishing his hot chocolate. I just leave mine on the table and we head out the door.

It's still raining pretty hard, and Leo is still wearing my jacket....but it's really cold...and I don't really feel well. To be honest, I haven't been feeling well all morning...

I stop walking and Leo stops to look at me, and this time he looks very worried.

"Beau.....what's wrong? Do you want your coat back?"
He takes off the coat and before I could take it...I fainted.

I wake up sometime later.....I'm not sure what time it head is throbbing...

I hear a soft voice coming from beside's Leo.

I rub my eyes before looking at him.
"What time is it...? And where am I?"
I say, still feeling a bit groggy.

"I took you to my house....and it's almost 5pm..."
He says with a worried tone.
"Are you feeling alright...?"
He asks while placing his hand on my forehead...

"Oh're burning up..."
He says and I look around...

"I'm fine....I'm just tired-- wait...where are my kids!? Emma!? Ethan!?--"
I try yelling for them and Leo just hugs me.

"Shhhhh...they're with Nick and Perry....don't worry..."
He says and I calm down a little, but then another moment of panic occurs when I feel a leak of urine escape from my now throbbing bladder.

I start to squirm as more and more urine leaked out. I shove my hands between my shaking legs as a huge wet spot appears on my pants. I manage to stop the flow...but every sudden movement causes my head to throb even more..

Leo looks at me and he notices that I have been acting strange..

"Beau...? What's the okay?"
He asks...and I start to cry a little.

"I...I can't hold it....."
I say and he just looks confused...

"What do you mean...?"
I lift up the blanket to reveal a massive wet spot on my pants and the bed...

"Oh you still need to go..?"
He says and I nod...but I can't really move.

"Just let it out.....I'll clean it later..."
He says reassuringly, and I just look at him

"No! I can't do that!"
I say, but then he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay....I just don't want you to be in pain..."
He says. I just sigh and within seconds I'm already wetting myself...the wet spot grew and urine even dripped off the bed creating a small puddle.

I start to cry and Leo hugs me softly.
"Shhhhhhh...don't cry...I'm not mad..."
He says and I calm down a little.

"You're not....?"
I wipe my eyes...

"Of course about you take a bath and then we can take a nap on the couch and watch a movie.."
He says and I nod.

I take a warm bath as he cleans up the mess. Once he finishes, I change into warm pajamas and I meet him downstairs. I immediately jump onto the couch and curl up next to him before falling asleep shortly after.

Part 2?

AYYYYYY!! I had no motivation for a while now but I guess I'm here now lol. I'll post again at some point, idk when.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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