<Chapter 1>

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3 Years Later~

(3rd Person POV)

'It's so cold', the young turtle thought, pressed in the corner of his cell, knees to his chest missing his cellmate. 'He said he'd be back soon, it's been forever', the turtle looked at the blanket he used to keep warm, then to his mangle stuffed cat, found by his cellmate, growing colder and colder, he grabbed his toy and blanket and laid in the corner waiting for anybody to come to disturb his lonely silence. 'Come on anything, anyone breaks the silence, please, PLEASE BREAK THE SOLITUDE', the turtle thought, trying to slow his fast shallow breaths, which could lead to a possible meltdown. He looked at the plush, hyperventilating, letting out strange grumbles and quiet squeals, he squeezed his cat, looking around the room for any familiar object to calm him down only to fail, looking at the empty cell, then at a piece of white chalk laying sadly against the wall from the last time, it was used. He slowly sunk into his shell, yearning for any form of safety.

While sinking deep into his shell, the door swung open, terrifying the young one deeper into his shell, only to find out that it was his cellmate, laying down exhausted and bruised, from what he knew was experiments and training. The turtle wobbled and jogged to get near his cellmate, feeling drained and disoriented from the meltdown. Before the turtle could reach and get comfort from him, a krang bot came inside the cell looking straight at the young mutant. "Krang needs the turtle, which is the turtle knowns as Experiment 13911-525, for the tests, and the tests known as experiments, follow Experiment 13911-525", despite saying to follow the robot, the krang bot came inside grabbing the turtle with tons of force. Trying to resist and run towards his cellmate, "LEATHERHEAD, HELP PLEASE!", he desperately yelled, not wanting any more experiments, only to meet with failure being dragged out of his cell, he looked inside, meeting leatherhead's tired and exhausted eyes, the turtle understood the situation and followed the droid two paces behind.

(Left then right) 'Don't go near, dont disobey'

(Left then right) 'Don't run, dont argue.

(Left then right) 'Always listen, respond fast'

(Left then right) 'Two paces behind, no more, no less'

(Left then right) 'Be good, nether b-'

Suddenly the group was stopped, the turtle looked around the bots ahead to see the issue, an empty hallway. 'The bots stopped, why did they stop, they never stop, it's the same route every time, are they new, no it's the same bots, chip and nick, chip with the chipped piece on the left arm, and nick with the nicked metal on the right heel. So why did we stop, are the krang different, they must be, they sound different, chip and nick used to sound deeper in the noise now they sound slightly higher'. The bots started walking again, taking the normal route to the lab, letting out the occasional machine noises and beeps.

'But wait they never change the bots unless something happened to the bot, which isn't the case, the bots are right in front of me, or something happened to the rider itself, does that mean chip and nick's rider got injured, good riddance, they were giving me a really creepy vibe. Does that mean these bots will be my new escort, I was kinda getting used to the other two', the turtle thought depressingly.

Finally arriving at the laboratory, the krang droids escorted him to the experimenting table, laying him down, and chaining his feet and hands. He could feel it, his heart rate was rising, pumping against his chest, shutting his eyes to calm his heart, knowing that he was going to get his shots soon. Wires were placed on his head and chest, monitoring his brain and heart waves, seeing how the experiment would react. Still trying to calm himself down, squeezing his eyes shut, he felt a sharp pain in the side of his leg only to see they already started the procedure without the normal starting noise. 'It hurts, it hurts so bad, I want big brother, he helps the pain go away, leatherhead, I need you', he thought, starting to feel tears flowing out his cheeks, the needle was pulled out. He opened his eyes only to see he had to do four more shots, three more than usual, 'WHAT, why are they doing more are they getting desperate, if they were, that means they need us to fight, or maybe the plan is being rushed because of something is messing with the plans, but what could be the reason they are acting so irrati-' while thinking he felt a needle go straight into his neck, barely missing his jugular. Feeling the serum enter his neck, causing his neck to constrict shut, stopping any air to enter, trying to cough to make his poor throat relax, letting in any ounce of air to enter his irritated lungs.

After a few minutes, the young turtle's throat finally relaxed, letting that beautiful sweet air enter his lungs. Still noticing that his throat was still irritated, he laid his head down, taking deep long breaths to help soothe himself, looking out the slightly dimmed window, he noticed that it was dark out, oh how he wanted to leave this place to see the beautiful night sky, running around new york, eating food that made his mind want more, he wanted to leave TCRI, but that was impossible, there were tons of droids, they were way stronger than a 3-year-old mutant, he knew that much, and he knew if he were to escape, now was not the right moment he needed more time to prepare. He needed more time, he needed his brother's help. After that thought, he felt another shot in the base of his neck, but this was different, this one was new. 'Oh my krang, OH MY KRANG, WHY DOES THIS HURT, THIS IS WORSE THAN TH-', before the mutant could finish his train of thought, a rush of pain shot through his body, making his body go limp. He lied there, spasming from the still-existing pain rushing through his body, when he felt no more, he started puking the only food he would get that day. 'No, no, no, that was all today's food, why did I do that, why did I puke, I never puked during these experiments, what did they put in me for me to react that way'.

The pain after some time finally ceased, letting out the well-known held breath, relaxing from the torture, 'okay no time to relax the next shot is coming soon', the turtle looked around and noticed the bots finishing up for the next injection. The mutant let out soft grumbles and squeals of terror, wanting to leave, seeing if his noises did anything to the krang, they weren't shocked that this mere creature could understand, let alone speak their language, they knew this one, in particular, could learn faster than the rest, which is why the turtle was roomed with his current cellmate, used to calm the crocodile down, they noticed quick results. However, they also saw that since the small mutant was about 6-7 months old, the crocodile mutant took on a sort of parental or maybe older sibling role to the small turtle, which they found entertaining. But they noticed the downfall to the new grown relationship between the two, Leatherhead, as the young creature calls it, has grown more protective towards the turtle.

The last two shots had the same results as the second shot, both injected into different areas of his neck, leading to the result of pure agony, rushing through the young one's body, after the effects of the shot visibly calmed down, the bots released the clamps holding the turtle down, the turtle didn't run, instead laid there limp catching his breath only to feel a gripped force on his arm, he tried resisting only to be thrown to the ground off the table.

"Get up", the mutant could tell that even though it was said in a monotone voice, it was stern. The turtle wobbled, trying to get up, slipping from the little strength and adrenaline left in his body. Footsteps could be heard walking closer, "Get Up, Now Experiment 13911-525". The turtle knew that voice, Krang Subprime, fear flew through the mutant quickly, but clumsily forced through the pain, trying to stand. He kept falling to his knee, krang subprime was amused but impatient, he knew this would take ages based on the rate it was taking the creature to just stand up, "Maybe Experiment 13911-525 needs some encouragement, KRANG SHOCK HIM", saying the last part with excitement. The tiny turtle looked up in fear, squealing and pleading against the action, only to be denied and felt a rush of pain go throughout its body, 'I need to stand one more shock and I'll get worse punishment', seconds after finishing his train of thought, he felt another rush of pain go through his body, falling to his hands, using all his strength to hold himself up. "Now let's try this again, Get Up Turtle", the mutant slowly but finally stood up, leaning against the table, "See now that wasn't so hard mutant". Mutant. It sounds so degrading when subprime calls the turtle that, when others say mutant it sounds like a title, like when someone identifies an animal by its name, but when subprime says it, it sounds like he thinks of the turtle as a mere insect, that he easily could squish with his own tentacles.

"Now it's time for training, send 13911-525, to the training room, and don't end the drills until I see fit", the robots grabbed the turtle's arm, dragging him to the next room. 'Great more hell, more torture. Time to do some training'.


A/N: At the end of each chapter I will most like post the age of the turtle not all the characters, just the main four, for instance in this chapter:

Leo+Raph: 6

Donnie: 5


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