<Chapter 6>

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Pov Turtle:

I escaped. I'm free. I finally escaped from the kraang, I looked around the container, seeing a small cockroach and a skinny grey rat that was eating what looked like a rotten piece of food. I lifted the lid looking around, the area was still empty, grabbing my weapons, and placing my face shield back on, jumped out of the container, and quietly shut the lid to get no attention. I looked area only to catch something in the corner of my eye, a ladder, I quickly climbed, reaching the top of the building. My attention was overtaken by the night sky, stunned by the little white dots and bright yellow crescent, 'The sky is so...beautiful', I reached out as if I could touch the sky, wanting to know its texture, wanting to grab ahold of the crescent itself.

Pov 3rd Person:

A door creaked open, alerting the mutant. Turtle dived behind a few boxes to hide, yet to watch what the intruder was. A human walked onto the roof, taking a deep breath, inhaling the New York air, he turned to his pocket, grabbing a joint and a lighter, breathing in the harsh intoxicating smoke. Turtle watched the man, curious as to what he was doing, he saw the man exhale a grey smoke, looking up at the sky taking in the view of the city.

Turtle knew this was a good moment to leave, not wanting to be captured, he stealthy slid down the ladder to the empty ally below, the mutant looked around for any humans or kraang, but instead noticed some sort of bag.

Turtle scoped the area, curious to see if it was a trap or a forgotten item. He looked at the area and saw that it was unoccupied, it jumped down and looked at the bag, poking it as if it would bite him back. He took one final look at the area before he took the bag and hid behind a city trash bin. The mutant looked at the bag, it had a little skull design, with a kid's name sown onto it, Turtle squinted his eyes trying but mostly wanting to see if he could speak more than the few words he knew, "C-C-cay-seee J-j-joe-nnns....C-cas-sey Jo-ones", while pronouncing the name, he saw a zipper and opened the bag's smallest pocket, a few pencils, pens, and a small eraser. The small creature looked at the utensils confused about how they worked. It continued and looked at the next size pocket, a binder full of lined paper, and a full water black bottle, instantly noticing the bottle was filled with some kind of liquid, he grabbed it and opened it, smelling it to make sure it was safe, suddenly recognizing it was water he drank almost half of the bottle, not wanting to use it all up he put it away, zipping the bag back up, deciding the take it with him.

Pov Turtle:

'Hah, what's the chance of me finding water, I need to find somewhere to stay, those containers aren't a good option, so maybe if I look longer I'll find something', I noticed an empty area, jumping up to the top of the building, and looked around for a less populated area.

I jumped from building to building, sliding down the building to cross an empty path, running to the other side, climbing the building again, and continuing my search. I began to lose hope until a found this abandoned warehouse, surrounded by buildings containing very few people.

'This will do', I jumped onto the roof, hovering my hands over my weapons, creeping toward the skyline window, and looked inside. Empty, perfect. I climbed inside and looked at the empty boxes and crates scattered and destroy around the room, dust covering the lights and tables, I walked around and looked at the destruction, wondering what could have caused this. I noticed stairs leading up to a room with what looked like a table and a bunch of trash, I walked up there and opened the door peeking inside in case a human was inside, there was something but it wasn't a human, but an orange cat. I quietly opened the door the rest of the way looking at the small creature, laying down on a torn pillow. Hearing the door open the cat looked up at me, curiously walking toward me brushing its cheek against my leg, mewing and purring from the new attention, retreating back to the pillow, and falling back to sleep.

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