<Chapter 12>

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POV Donnie:

I stared at the mutant in front of us, they were acting feral, scared that it was in danger, they back up, leaving the side of the trash bin, its back facing the street. "Kid, we just want to know why you ran and why you were spying, were not here to hurt you", Leo put one sword away holding his hand up slightly letting the kid know they were in no danger, but they didn't get the message. I started observing the mutants features, their baby blue eyes, light green skin, freckles peeking over their mask, 'wait freckles', I looked at the hood, and my eyes slightly widened when I saw a shell hidden underneath, barely peaking out, my stance started to slowly relax when the dot slowly started connecting, 'They can't be him...right?'.

They must have noticed my relaxed stance, they looked toward me with a relaxed eye, before glaring back at Leo and Raph when they continued walking toward them. I stood slightly behind Leo and Raph, barely out of their peripherals, switching my gaze from the turtle to my brothers, "Kid, we don't mean any harm-".

"Well well well, if it ain't the freak and the turtles~", the mutant turned towards the purple dragons, 'I need to get him out of here, he's not safe', I stepped towards the kid, reaching for him, *SSQQRREAAAAAGGHH*. I froze, staring at the young kid in front of us, shocked by the noise that bellowed from the small mutant, 'was that...kraang?'. 

Skills: understand and speak kraang 

'it can't be my...'

POV 3rd Person:

Turtle looked at the group surrounding him, looking at Donnie every few seconds, he needed to leave, he wasn't safe. "Kid, come here, we can protect yo-", *THUMP*, Leonardo's sentence was cut short by the sound of a steel ball hitting the ground. Turtle swung the steel ball around chucking towards the Purple Dragons, knocking out the man in the middle, reeling it back swinging it around again, Turtle stopped and turned to glare at Leo and Raph, *hiss*, switching his gaze to Donnie, softening his gaze before he signed, 'D-o-n-a-t-e-l-l-o', Donnie stared at the mutant shocked, before he looked at the ground. Turtle ran towards the Purple Dragons, charging past them, and leaving the alley.

POV Donnie:

'It's him, it's Tortuga, this kid is Tortuga, Casey's friend Tortuga, wait so is Tortuga...my brother-".

"DONNIE!", Leo broke me out of my thoughts, I looked at him, trying to calm my fast breathing, "DONNIE, GO AFTER HIM NOW!!!", my mind didn't get the chance to register what he said, yet my body sprinted towards Tortuga, running past the Purple Dragons, "Hey! Get Back Here!". I rounded the corner of the alley, and saw Tortuga climbing the building, 'I need to go to him. I need to talk to him', I climbed the fire escape, jumped onto the roof, and watched Tortuga ready himself for the next jump.

"Wait, Tortuga, please!". Tortuga slowed down to a stop, he was frozen before he turned around to look at me, his eyes held no resentment, but rather fear. "Tortuga, please wait, I know it's you, please just wait...I'm not here to take you to my brothers, actually the opposite, but I just want to know, you are Tortuga, right?", I stared at him, desperate for the answer, "If you don't feel comfortabl-", "Donatello...um yeah it's me Tortuga, actually the name's Turtle, Tortuga is the nickname CJ gave me", I stared at him as he pulled off his hood and mask, I looked him, his eyes looked droopy, ready to fall asleep any second, as well as shaking, hugging himself to stay warm, 'His name is...Turtle', giving me a full view of this face with the exception of the eye device, "I have...so many questions, but I can ask you those later, I promise I won't tell the others about you, I'm still...processing news I just learned, but here", I walked toward Turtle standing a good foot away, 'He's so small', and handed him a T-phone, he looked at the phone before looking at me, "It's a phone, I made it, I call it a T-phone, we can use it to call or text each other, cause I have a few questions to ask you, but that will have to wait, my brothers are most likely going to be arriving soon, so you need to go, my number's in there, okay?", Turtle looked almost shocked, like he didn't expect me to be nice, he stuffed the phone into the backpack, "Thanks Donatello", I heard the rawness in his voice as I watch him pull up his hood and mask before running away to the next roof and leaving me alone in silence.

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