<Chapter 7>

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Pov Turtle:


"Hey Turtle, you need to wake up"

 A familiar voice disturbed my sleep, 'why, please just a little longer please', I groaned wanting to let slumber overcome my body once more, just to slip into the quiet bliss of darkness. "No Turtle listen it's me, Kappa, please open your eyes now", my eyes shot open looking at the conscience that lives within my mind, but he looked... better? He looked almost completely healed. "Kappa but that means I'm not awake, instead inside my mind what am I doing here, and how did you heal so quickly after one night's rest, shouldn't that takes months or even years-", my words slurred into mumbles of confusion, confusion overwhelmed me, I looked at the ground, trying to think of ways I got here without coming myself, did Kappa bring me here, but why did something happen, Kappa immediately stopped me placing a hand my shoulder looking into my eyes, "Turtle to answer your question", Kappa stepped back taking a breath before continuing, I looked at him wanting to know, "like I said I get injured from protecting you from things that can bring harm to your sanity, over those months I got hurt more and more but suddenly the pain stopped", I looked up at the figure, "those months what do mean and what do you mean the pain stopped......", I broke into a cold sweat scared of the possible reason to the pain stopping, "Am....am I dead", saying those words left my beak, they felt so surreal, I felt tears fall down my face, but they felt foreign as if my eyes haven't showed emotions in years, "theres no way, I can't be dead, Kappa please tell me I'm not dead right, I'm still alive right, please tell me I'm still alive I just escaped", I looked into Kappa's eyes begging for answers, wanting him to tell me I was alive and well, sleeping soundly on my bed.

"Turtle", Kappa broke eye contact, not looking me in the eyes, "Yes hon, you are alive, still in your bed, safe and sound, but". No, there is no reason for a but, I'm safe and sound in my bed at the warehouse, did something happen, "You didn't just escape, Turtle", Kappa finally looked into my eyes, but they looked so sad and guilty, "You escaped eight months ago". What. No, he's lying, I just went to sleep after getting the tools from that building, "What, there's no way I-I-i just left, a-amm I in a coma?". I felt myself trembling, collapsing to my knees, holding them close to my chest, I tried so hard to disagree with the newfound knowledge, but it all made sense, the reason Kappa was all healed up, besides the deep scar over their heart over their plastron, but eight months, what?

"Yo-your lying, your lying", I looked into his eyes, angry confused tears fell down my face as I looked for the truth in his eyes, but instead all I saw inside them was pity, "This has to be some kind of messed up joke, right? I'm fine I'm healthy, as soon as I wake up and everything is going to be just fine, RIGHT?" I felt sick, I felt myself ready to just vomit, 'this can't be real, he has to be lying', I kept looking at him only for him to reply with words I didn't want to hear, "I'm sorry hon, I watched over you since the beginning, but waiting went from days to weeks, and then to months, I began to worry, your heart rate was slow and your breathing was even slower, once the half of a year hit, I started to try and wake you up, but you never did". He finally looked at me and walked towards me, placing a gentle hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb on my cheek, ridding me of my tears stained face, "But it's time to wake up now, so stop those tears and come on hon", Kappa looked at me with a smile before everything disappeared.

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that everything was dark. 'Where am I....oh yeah I'm in my shell' I stretch my arms, but they didn't move, they were stiff, everything was stiff, I stretched my arms out of my shell, hearing my joints pop, feeling the pain and soreness, from not using my limbs for so long. My arms were free, and I lifted my head out, looking around the room, looking out the window, it was the afternoon, and the room was filled with a comforting warmth, I stretched my legs, sitting up letting my sleepy limbs fully wake up. I touched my carapace feeling a thick layer of dust that was collecting over my shell, I grabbed my blankets wiping myself down. *Meow*, I looked around hearing the happy call of my feline friend, it walked over and jumped into my lap, cuddling its head into my body, 'Poor thing, you must have been so worried' I pet the cat, giving it the attention.

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