<Chapter 5>

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(Night of the escape) 

Pov 3rd Person:

"Useless, can't even tell truth, as to where that repulsive mutant went", Subprime walked away toward the door, grabbing the tasing staff, "You disappointing mutant, I really thought you were going to be something amazing, but it seems that was an error in my thought process, however, maybe we can if we give you a more "persuasive" talk, you can become useful again", he finished, looking at the mutant to see what the small creature thought, it didn't reply to the kraang, it just sat there trembling and shaking from the overexertion from the electricity.

The kraang continued to glare at the mutant, the turtle just whimpered, wanting to leave this room, leave this place, leave this world. "Tch, your such a waste of mutagen, shock it, but...", before he handed the staff to the droid, turned a knob, "Shock him hard, so my words change his mind". Subprime handed the staff walking out of the cell, but he stopped, "After this send him to the weapon room, there are some more weapons I need it to fix and make, I have something new for the mutant", Subprime looked at the turtle from the corner of his eyes, then fully left the room. The turtle squished itself deeper into the corner, just to try and disappear from this world, the droids shoved the staff right into the leg of the turtle. Causing it to seize and spasm uncontrollably.

Pov Turtle:

'Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me, please anyone. Kappa help me please get me out of this pain, get me out of this room', my leg started to shake, my vision becoming more blurry by the second if that was even possible. Then I felt relief, no pain, I continued to try and catch my breath, and to stop the shaking, which could lead to more punishments, however, before I could fully catch my breath they shocked the back of my neck this time, causing my whole body to do limp, but still seize from the electricity, "AHHHHHHH", *cough cough*, screaming in agony, "STOPPP PLEEEAAAASE" *cough cough*, "IT HURTS, NO MORE-", my vision began to switch to darkness, my stomach constricted from my muscle tightening, then the relaxed, my eyes watered, my mouth began to drool, then *blaaaargh*, 'my food, today's meal gone, ugh, why am I so weak, I been dealing with this for years and yet I can't hold in, my meal for the day, from some measly punishment, I'm so weak'.

The kraang droid pulled away, my body collapsing to the ground, seizing from the torture, hyperventilating from the loss of air, the wetness in my eyes, from the pain, 'I hate this why did he leave me, why hasn't anyone come and saved me?'. "Get up mutant, who is known as experiment-", before the droid could finish I was standing up straight, but still leaning against the wall, knowing full well my leg, would give out from the seizing it was currently experiencing. I limped to the door and waited for the droids to lead the way, to escort me to my next destination, the weapons room. The droids walked out of the room, leading the way, which left me two paces behind the droids.

(Weapon Room)

*Ugh* 'my leg, why is it still shaking, there's no pain, my nerves and muscles must be super damaged from the interrogation earlier, whatever, I need to fix this gunner and perfect it', fixing remembering the blueprint and patterns for the weapon, 'wire here, this wire here, this crystal lays here, and almost done', grabbing the welder, and the face shield, placing the old thing on my face, wrapping it around my head, pulling it tighter to fit. 'Need to make sure this works, if it doesn't work perfectly, the whole plan will go out the window, the crystal is fine it's full of power, so I just need to remember the parts and connection', I finished the gunner, I began to walk over to the shooting range, positioning myself, powering up the gun, but the worst possible thing happened, the gun wasn't powering up.

'No no no no No NO, come please don't do this now, I need this to work, please', I rubbed my thumb on the gun, wishing for it to miraculously start up but it didn't, I walked back over to the table opening the hatch, looking for any errors, but everything looked right, except something my right eye didn't catch, two wires switch, 'UGH, my dumb blind eye, why did this have to happen, I need to make something to fix my eye's vision', I grabbed the wire cutters and began to cut the mixed wires, and placed the wires where they belong, 'there we go, okay let's try this again', I walked over to the shooting range again, positioned myself, and hoped for success this time. I let out a breath I never knew I was holding, 'Okay you got this Turtle, just breath, there is no way there's going to be an error this time', I began to power up the gun, and this time it started to turn on, I quietly chuckled, happy that everything so far was going to plan. I aimed the gun at the target and then disintegrated the mark, and destroyed the bullseye, I felt so happy, I was doing something good, 'Yes, I did it, maybe Subprime will finally be proud of me-', what. What was I thinking just now, it doesnt matter what that creature thinks, I'm a lowly mutant, an insect that he could easily replace, plus I'm not staying here just for his approval. I peeked over my shoulder and noticed that one of the bots left, leaving only one bot alone with me, I walked back to my desk taking the gun with me, and the bot watched me, thinking nothing about what I was doing. 'Okay let's do this'.

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