<Chapter 17>

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!Temporary Death of a character!

POV Donnie:

I stared between the two, waiting for their response, but they said nothing, I tapped my finger on my crossed arms, still waiting, "Well?!". I sat on the small wall on the edge of the building, staring at the two, "What's your answer? Are you coming or are you going to abandon our brother like sensei?!". I placed my elbows on my knees, my hands hung loosely as I leaned closer to them, already done with the conversation. I glared at them as they looked shocked exchanging glances between themselves and me, I reached up to my mouth, picked at the pealed uneven skin on my lip, staring at them.

"Donnie, we'll join you. We were just shocked that you asked us to join", I stared at my brothers, not surprised that they wanted to join, just confused why it took them so long to reply. I continued picking my bottom lip, looking down at the ground, "Donnie, you're picking your lips again", Raph pulled my hands away from my mouth, trying to make me stop. I yanked my hands away from Raph, "But Donnie, how are we going to find our brother...what's his name?", I stood to my feet staring at Leo, "His name is Turtle, but I call him Kame, which is-", "Japanese for Turtle", I nodded as Leo and Raph simultaneously finished my sentence. "Right, and as for how we're going to find him, he was taken inside TCRI, in that black van", I walked closer to them, facing and pointing at the building in front of us.

"The Kraang building contains multiple floors, and as we have seen for ourselves there is the ground which is basically designed as an office lobby, the following six floors are the office floors, however, while passing through the top office floor, I saw a control room, in a separate room connected to that floor. Above that, there are three floors containing prison cells and some other rooms, then last the top two levels are the laboratories. If I remember correctly there are a few air vents lining the top of the building, we can enter through there, that will probably be the safest point of entrance, there is still the problem with the cameras and droids on the side of the building, and once we get inside there are usually no cameras".

I turned back and looked over the building trying to think over anything I could have missed, and walked to the edge thinking over the few missions that involved entering TCRI. "Okay, the entrance at the top is probably the preferred option in rescuing Kame", Leo walked over to the area I stood, and looked at the facility before continuing, "As Donnie said, we'll enter at the very top air vent of the building when we enter we'll search the floor we enter, which will most likely be the lab, then head straight for the control room, if we find nothing on Kame's location we'll just search from that floor up".

I nodded after hearing the plan, it was clear, every possible location will be searched thoroughly, "However, this is a rescue mission, try your best to not engage in any combat, understood", I frowned at those orders, knowing full well that if I was alone I would have made this mission...personal. "Donnie, do not make this mission personal, okay? We are just going in saving him, then leaving, right?" I was annoyed at Leo's words, but I knew he was right, we can't ruin this mission just to get revenge, "Right Leo", he nodded at my agreement facing the building ahead of us, "Let's move!".


"Okay, here's the vent, this should lead straight into the top laboratory, follow me", I whispered lifting the vent cover and sliding inside the tunnel. I crawled down the channel, turning left on the second opening, traveling straight down the tunnel for twenty feet, then I stopped, "Donnie are we lost-", I held up my hand, looking through the vent cover, watching the droids pause looking around. I let out my held breath as the droids stopped their search, walking past the vent we hid inside, "Okay, let's go". I jumped out of the vent, and scanned the lab, listening for any droids, after Raph jumped out of the vent, I pulled my bo out, using it to close the cover.

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