<Chapter 4>

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Pov 3rd Person:

"Now mutant, you are testing the little patience I have, now tell me", Subprime walked up to the turtle stopping inches away from its face, the small turtle looked up at the kraang twitching from the shock, trembling away from the figure hovering towards them, "WHERE DID THAT MUTANT GO, YOU LOWLY DISGUSTING REPTILE!!!". A kraang drone jabbed the mutant in the side electrocuting the small creature, shocking it for what felt like hours, 'when...will..this...end', the electrocution stopped, for only a few mere seconds, "Now...TELL ME". The small mutant looked up at Subprime and then instantly looked down. This response angered the kraang even more, "Tell me you vermin, why do you so desire to tell lies, why are you protecting that thing, mutant", Subprime hissed the last part with such venom, the turtle mumbled in kraang under his breath, "I don't know....", "WHAT DID YOU SAY MUTANT", "I SAID I DON'T KNOW, HE LEFT ME, HE NEVER TOLD ME WHERE HE WENT OR WHY HE LEFT... he just left me...did I do something wrong", a lonely tear fell down its face but shot his face up when he heard the Subprime chuckled, "You know for a mutant that speaks kraang, a very complex and tone specific language that takes eons to master unless you were born kraang, took mere months to understand and speak, and it took less time to understand this planet's dialect, yet you're too stupid to speak it heh, you are such a stupid mutant". Those words left the turtle speechless, Stupid, Turtle wasn't stupid, sure yeah, he didn't like or feel comfortable talking in earth's dialect, but...stupid? Did he not speak it because he didn't understand the language? No, he spoke to Leatherhead in earth's language, but that was like five, six maybe seven words.

The small turtle was left staring at the floor emotionlessly questioning, questioning his mental capacity. "Aww did I hurt the poor little turtle's feelings, heh heh, I'll hurt more than your sad emotions, if you don't tell me where that mutant is going with kraang's power cell, you will get another punishment now, SPEAK MUTANT!". The room fell silent, there were no replies or noises, just heavy breaths from the small turtle, and silent tears falling. "What a pathetic creature, no wonder that man left you behind, you are an error, you mutant".

Pov Turtle:

"No wonder that man left you behind, you are an error, you mutant". Subprime left the room as the kraang drones walked closer, ready to give me another punishment. 'What Subprime knew I had a family, why is this the first time hearing from someone other than my conscience'. Electricity flowed through my body, my leg that was injected early went numb again, and darkness started to cloud my vision, if they kept this up I'm going to pass out, and darkness would soon take over my sight then, my breath came back, I gasped my any air I could get, starving for that lush air, looking up I saw the kraang drones standing waiting for their next order as Subprime stood by the door, "You have twenty-four earth hours until I come back and if you give me the same undesirable answers as you have been giving me, we'll have to up the punishment, don't we mutant'". I watched as Subprime slammed the door shut, which caused the tremors in my leg to become visible, leaving me to my previous empty thoughts. 'Why did no one tell me that I had a family? Did Leatherhead know about my family, if he did why did he never tell me, then leave me behind? Was I not a good brother, did I anger him? Why me, what did I do to deserve this? Why hasn't my family come to rescue me? Why won't anybody answer my questions, am I too stupid to understand the questions I seek answers for?'. Then an idea came to my head, I knew the only person I can talk to in this world's dialect would know the answers to my questions, my conscience.

'Now how do I speak to them' I sat on the floor, wrapping myself in the blanket closing my eyes, and clearing my mind, however, this proved to be an issue, there was one thing that was making it difficult to think, 'Ugh this blankets not helping and neither are you kitty', I placed them a few feet away so that they were near me if I ever needed comfort but far enough to not be in my mind. 'Okay think nothing, think nothing, think peace, calm down Turtle....turtle, Leatherhead named me that when I was a really young infant, heh...dang it I can't get these thoughts out of my head' I started growling, but I felt something wet fall down my face, 'Why am I crying', I touched my face then examining the tears, I felt so many emotions build up inside me, anger, sadness, confusion, and betrayal. I couldn't contain myself, I quickly, yet clumsily stood up, "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME LEATHERHEAD, YOU LAME EXCUSE OF A BROTHER, YOU SAID YOU'D PROTECT ME, NOT LEAVE ME, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU", catching my breath, " I hate you, Leatherhead, you promised that we would be together through thick and thin, I guess that was a lie....was everything a lie?", Tears overflowing my eyes, I rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the tears, only for them to be replaced by more, I stopped to let my eyes continue to overflow, I sat there, sobbing, ready to sleep and get away from all this stress, I reached for my blanket, and laid down wanted nothing more than to leave this place, leave the kraang, leave everyone, just wanting to live alone, trusting in only myself, not wanting to be torture anymore, emotionally or mentally.

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