<Chapter 13>

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A/N~So this is a probable notice, Im posting early just cause Im working out of town, so for the next few weeks the chapters are going to be posted on Sundays, it was either that or later on Monday,  so yeah have a nice day guys <3


(3 Months Later)

POV Donnie:

'For the past three months, Casey has been joining my brothers and me on patrol. He's been telling us that his friend is on a family trip out of state for the next six to seven months, however, telling me that Kame was busy with projects that he wanted to finish and not be disturbed. But wouldn't he have any free time to text me back, to answer my calls, none of this is making sense, why was Casey patrolling or training with us all of a sudden? Didn't he say something about Kame being scared everyone would leave him, so why?. I've asked Casey so many times why Kame is ignoring my calls, but it's the same answer every time, 'He's busy man, you have to understand, I'm sure he'll text eventually'. But...when is that...'

I grabbed the beaker with the mutagen and chemicals to begin perfecting the retro mutagen. I started combining the chemicals that showed progress in the first few trials of the creation, I finished where I was in the last trial, and started looking over the chemicals I had, eyeing a specific chemical, 'maybe if I were to combine a type of catalysts into the formula then cellular bonding would increase, taking less time', I grabbed some zeolite and poured a minuscule amount into the mixture. I watch the concoction glow slightly and boil from the catalysts before the reaction ceased. I placed a drop of mutagen and the mixture on a glass slide, placing it underneath the microscope lens, I looked through the eyepiece and watched the chemicals react to the catalyst, sadly the zeolite made the concoction more unstable. "DAMN IT", I slammed my hands on the table frustrated that nothing was going right, I sat back down in my chair, holding my head grimacing from the migraine I felt growing. I looked at my chat with Kame, still seeing no response to any of my texts or calls, I laid my head on my desk still holding my head.

'Did I do something wrong...what did I do, why do I always mess everything up? Why is it always my fault? Why aren't I good at anything? I can't do anything right, I can't make a proper retro mutagen, I can't go to bed when I'm told, I can't fight well on patrol, I can't make my sensei proud...I can't even be a good enough brother for Kame. Why can't I do anything right'. One of my hands gripping my head as the other picked at my lips, I felt the migraine worsen from the stress and thoughts, 'I need to work harder, I need to do something right, I need to make them proud', I pulled my hands away but stopped when I looked at the hand that was picking at my lips, 'Blood...god damn nervous stim', I grabbed one of my towels, wiped the blood off my fingers, and placed the towel down back on the table.

I looked around the lab seeing no water bottles lying around, signing I stood up from my desk, and walked over to the small medication cabinet I built with a few medicines and antibiotics I developed for the family in case of emergencies or incidents. I grabbed the container of acetaminophen and poured two tablets into my hand. I placed the tablets on the table, and made my way to the door, I slid the metal door open, making my over to the kitchen to grab a cup of water.

Walking into the kitchen, I noticed there was some coffee still left from this morning, 'Maybe this will help my mood', I grabbed my favorite purple mug, poured the lukewarm coffee, then placed it inside the microwave for two minutes, that's all it needed I thought. I watched the mug spin in cycles inside the machine, I closed my eyes and held my head from the pain growing from the cycling motion the microwave was causing. "Are you alright Donatello?", I turned around to see Master splinter making Gyokuro tea on the stove, stirring the leaves into the kettle before finally pouring the liquid into a cup. "You seem not yourself, has something happened?", I heard the microwave beep, signaling the coffee was done, I grabbed the warm mug and closed the microwave door. "No sensei, I'm fine, just tired", I picked up my mug and made my way past Master splinter slowly racing to leave this conversation, however, was stopped by sensei placing a hand on my shoulder, "Remember my son, you are not alone", you nodded walking towards the lab. I looked towards the open living room to see Leo watching Space Heroes, he saw me walking by but kept his gaze back to the show, "Hey Donnie, just a reminder since you like being reminded a few hours before, patrol is in three hours", I gave Leo thumbs before closing the lab door behind me.

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