11 | Please, Forgive Me

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*Now playing - Lift Me
Up by Rihanna*

The bell chimed and I turned around to greet whoever it was but when I noticed the male that was good there I didn't.

"So, you are alive?" He chuckles and I nod slowly. "And you're just ignoring me"

I sigh "Don't take it personally, I'm a busy guy"

Luca walks to the counter that separates us and nods slowly "Did I do something?"

I shook my head "No, it's just been busy around here"

Luca hums, looking at me before saying "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I answered immediately but I knew I was lying. Every day there was this lingering hope that today was gonna be the day Jisung comes out from hiding, but that day hasn't come and it's been a week since I saw him—I was getting impatient and in that time, it made me grow more upset at the male.

"I'm here for you Minho—"

I chuckle bitterly "You barely even know me"

"Doesn't matter, I know you're someone I want to know better"

"This" I motion between us "It can't happen, it won't work"

"Why not?" He asked, pushing the topic and the idea of us. I couldn't, not now and not ever.

"I won't do that to you" I spoke, "I'd only hurt you"

"Okay," He said, "That's fine"

"I'm sorry" I apologize "I know myself, I know I wouldn't be able to fully give myself to you" and that is the truth.


I was in the back of the shop, looking through new orders before I heard the door chime, "Sorry, we're closed!" I announce, expecting to hear the door chime again to show that they left but it didn't—making me stop. Before I knew it, it chimed and I sigh out a relief.

I walk to the front and look around the shop to notice I was alone, it wasn't too late—usually, I would lock up the shop right when it should be but today I was busy in the back and decided to just finish up before leaving.

My eyes go to the counter and I notice a paper, making me frown and walk to it. Picking it up and reading it.

Meet me at your restaurant, darling

I let out a shaky breath. There it was. Jisung finally reaching out. I swallow harshly and look up to the door before waking to the back and grabbing my stuff.

I walk out of the shop and lock it up, I was nervous—so nervous. I didn't know why, it was only Jisung...but that's the point. It was Jisung.

He always made me nervous, even though I knew him for so long I always had butterflies in my stomach and I never could hold eye contact for a certain amount of time. He made me stumble over my words and when I was around him all of my focus was on him.

The cold air surrounded my body as I walk, the restaurant wasn't far from the shop so it made it easy for me if I ever wanted to check up on it—which I did every now and then but it was always kinda hard for me to go because it made me think of him. It was the place he said he loved me, how could I not connect him to the place?

I walk into the elevator and immediately was greeted by the lady at the front, sending me a smile "Minho, it's great to see you"

"And you as well" I responded and walked to the back, passing where everyone ate as I walked to the door that held the staircase. Inhale and start walking up to the rooftop.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now