22 | Loving You Hurts Me

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*Now playing - Hurts
Like Hell by Fleurie*

"Why don't we do this more often?" Felix says from across from me.

"Because we are all busy doing normal adult things" Hyunjin answers him.

We never did hang out like this and if we did we would have to plan ahead and figure out all of our schedules, especially Hyunjin who still works office hours.

"I never asked, what do you do for a living Valerie?" Felix turns to the girl who sat beside him.

I still haven't been completely comfortable with her. I knew she knew what Jisung hid from me—just like Jeongin did. Jeongin was my brother, It was a little hard to stay mad at him but her—something never sit right with me. Maybe it was how she openly flirted with Jisung when they were neighbors, I knew she was with Chan now but what makes us all so sure that she's loyal to him only?

"I—" She was hesitant with her words "I use to be a nurse"

"Use to? Why not now?" I ask.

"Ran into someone and kinda left it all behind"

"A lover?"

She quickly shook her head "No" she looks at me and briefly at the others "Nothing like that, just someone I wanted to help"

"You've always been a helper, haven't you?" I said with a bitter tone.

Hyunjin puts his hand on my shoulder "Minho let's not ruin our time together" His voice was low, only wanting me to hear it and I sigh lowly, nodding in agreement.

"Anyways, next topic" Felix tries to clear the growing tension in the air, "How are you and Jisung?"

I look at him and a small smile finds my lips. "We're good"

Good as in, good as it can get at the moment. The lingering lies hanging over our heads and I've done my best to look past it.

"I heard around that Jisung met Luca" Hyunjin speaks up and leans his elbows on the table, looking at me as I leaned back into my chair.

"And you heard this from who exactly?" I look at Felix and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Don't look at me, I didn't say shit"

"Changbin might of told me," Hyunjin said "Well, not me but Seungmin when he went to the Cafe to
get Felix coffee"

Changbin, wouldn't have expected less. I mean, since the whole Jisung disappearance situation he has given me the cold shoulder. In the beginning, he seemed to understand but since Jisung has been back he's turned into a different person.

"Great, I just love everyone knowing all the business in my relationship," I said sarcastically.

"It's not like that Minho" Felix frowns.

"Yeah, plus it was nothing bad. He just mentioned how Jisung went on a whole rant on he hated the dude" Hyunjin says "Which, makes sense. Anyone wouldn't like someone interested in their partner"

I furrow my brows "He said that?" Hyunjin looks around like he knew he shouldn't have said what he did. "Jisung acted all nice and friendly with Luca the whole time"

"Oh" was all Hyunjin said.

"Maybe he heard wrong?" Felix tried to fix it and I sigh loudly.

"I also heard the same" Valerie finally spoke up. "But you got to understand—"

"I'm getting tired of everyone telling me to understand. I'm not going to" I said harshly to her "Jisung expressed his disliking multiple times and I understood then but the other day instead of him showing all this hate he says he has he acted friendly and talked to the male for hours with a smile on his face"

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