40 | You Trust Him, I Trust You

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*Now playing - Religion
by Lana Del Rey*

I turn around and out of instinct, my arm reaches out to the other side of the bed, in hopes to feel Jisung's warm body next to me but instead met with cold sheets.

I open my eyes to see the side empty and I frown slightly before the smell of food hits my nose. I furrow my brows and sit up, rubbing my tired eyes before getting out of bed.

My feet hit the cold wooden floor as I walk out of the room to hear small chatter. I wasn't familiar with this place but I followed the voices and soon I was walking into the kitchen.

Stopping at the sight of Jisung and his mom. So that wasn't a dream. Butterflies rise in my stomach as I remember what else happened. I really am engaged right now.

"But they're burnt" Jisung grimaces and I try to hold in my laughter. Seeing him with his mom was a sight I loved to see.

"Jisung you little—" She notices me, a smile on her face "Minho honey, have breakfast"

Jisung looks at me and he eyed my body. I forgot I had no shirt and now I felt overly exposed, "It's hardly edible" Jisung jokes, making me feel comfortable to enter.

I walk to him and slap his arm playfully, "It looks delicious" I glare at him and look at his mom with a smile.

His mom looks to Jisung "Your marrying the right one" My cheeks heat up and Jisung laughs loudly.

"I am, aren't I?" Jisung looked at me with so much love, making me sit down beside him as I felt nervous. Jisung's hand goes to my thigh and I quickly slap it away.

His mom sits in front of us and sighs softly "You must have a ton of questions but I will start by saying this, thank you for making my son the happiest I've seen him"

I furrow my brows "The happiest you've seen him?"

She smiles "I would never abandon my kids," She says, "I always looked after Jisung even if he didn't know it, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hadn't " She admits to me, I look to Jisung and I knew she already explained everything to him by the look on his face. "I was afraid Moon would hurt Jisung and his father so I faked my death and hoped he never would find out about them"

"But he did" I shook my head, trying to understand.

She frowns "I didn't know until a few days before and I met with Jae—"

"He knew you were alive as well?"

She chuckles and nods "Yes and he told me what Jisung's plan was," She tells me, "I looked after Jae and Jisung, they are my boys and though I left Jae with such a monster of a father, I knew he would never hurt him and I also knew I couldn't let Jisung go to that place alone"

I look down as I remember that night, "Darling" I look to him "My mom saved me"

"I- I thought Jeongin did... and Valerie"

"Ah Valerie, she's like a daughter to me" I look back to his mom. "She was Jisung childhood friend before he moved away, her parents were worthless and treated her badly. A few years after my 'death' I ran into her and she was just as confused but I quickly took her under my wing and she helped me look after the boys, specifically Jisung"

My eyes widen "That's why she moved next door to him" Things were finally clicking together.

They both chuckle "Yeah and her flirting is just her personality and her way of having fun on the job" She reassured me. "She's a good girl though Minho and will treat Chan right, I promise"

"If she doesn't I'm not going to hold Minho back" Jisung jokes making us laugh.

"Your brother is loyal" I swallow harshly, "I thought he would run to you immediately and tell you the truth but he knew it would take time for Jisung, especially in the condition he was in" I felt my heart get heavy as I knew how distant me and Jeongin had become since this whole thing. "He always visited Jisung and I thank him with my whole heart because I knew how lonely it got for my son, especially without you but I think your brother made him feel more at home as he reminded him of you"

I felt a tear fall from my eyes and I wiped it away "I'm sorry" I quickly apologized, feeling Jisung grab my hand.

"Never apologize Minho," She says to me, "I watched my son through the years, hoping he wouldn't get himself into trouble but he ran straight to it, that is nobody's fault but his own"

Jisung scoffs "Hey, I'm right here" He lightens to mood as we chuckle.

"I watched as he would do anything for you and I watched you do the same, even when it felt like you were hurting him. I can promise you it only helped him grow out of bad habits"

I shook my head "You knew me before last night?"

She smiled "I was tired and it was dark out, I couldn't see you properly but when Jisung said it was you I knew instantly who you were. Not from all the time, Jisung talked about you nonstop—"

"Way to rat me out" Jisung mumbles.

"It's not ratting you out dear, it's simply letting him in on some insight" She corrects and I smile widely, "I remember when you were just a boy, Jisung's first friend after he moved and I watched you grow with my son. I watched you two fall in love"

"And hurt each other"

She frowns "Yes" silence. I look down as I let all of this sink in, "Don't be sad about it, look at you two now"

I look at her "You stood hidden for your kids?"

She nods "I would do anything for them and don't get me wrong, when they were against each other it took everything in me not to grab them by their ears and lock them into a room to hug it out"

I laugh loudly and Jisung groans "Gross"

I watch her stand up "I will leave you two to it" She sends me a smile "And congrats on the engagement, if he doesn't get you a ring soon I'll smack him on the side of the head.

As she leaves I turn to Jisung. "So, are you not going to tell your mom that you have Jae locked up like a prisoner?"

Jisung holds back a laugh, making me squint "What?"

"About that"

"What did you do now?"

Jisung sighs lowly "When I disappeared I knew Chan and Changbin would need to move Jae somewhere else" He starts, "They took him to our safe house"

"Okay, I already know this"

"We are the only ones that know about it and we all have keys"

I furrow my brows "So?"

Jisung chuckles "So I kind of snuck him back in when you went to visit or when I know the others will go to feed him or whatever"

"Sneak him back in?!" I said loudly, "You mean, he roams freely?"

Jisung nods slowly "Yeah, has an apartment actually a little away from here" My eyes widen, "Sorry I didn't tell you this sooner"

"Does Chan and Changbin know?" I asked, it was all I was thinking.

"I told them not long ago and they were a little embarrassed that they didn't notice sooner" Jisung chuckled nervously, "How do you feel about it?"

I shrug "I don't know," I said, "He's your brother and if you trust him, I trust you"

Jisung sighs and pulls me into a hug "He helped me by telling Mom about my plan. I know what he did to you was bad and I will never forgive him for hurting you—"

I pull away and shake my head "I don't care about what he's done to me, I stabbed him and shot him"

Jisung laughs "That was badass of you Darling"

I bite my bottom lip and shrug "You make me do crazy things"

Jisung kisses me, "I don't want to hide anything from you anymore," He says and looks at me "I never will again"

*Now playing - Religion
by Lana Del Rey*

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now