20 | I Helped Him

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*Now playing - Sign of
the Times by Harry Styles*

The laughter-filled the backyard. A hand on my thigh as we surrounded the bomb fire. It was our first time all being together if you didn't count Jisung's surprise pop-up last time.

Alcohol runs in our systems as we laugh and joke around. Everything was so content and calm that it felt almost impossible that this was reality.

I looked at Changbin and he had a beer in hand, making me smile a bit. He finally allowed himself to let go and I was happy about that. Though I always felt like he held some resentment toward me, I pushed it away.

"Why are you so quiet?" I look at Jisung, the orange hue casting on his face.

"Just taking in the moment," I said with a small smile, my hand finding his cheek—my thumb rubbing over his cheek softly before leaning in and kissing his lips.

"I'm so glad I'm not single anymore" I pull away with a chuckle at Chan's words. I look at him and Valerie by his side.

Jisung smiles widely before taking another drink of his beer. His thumb rubbed over my thigh and I just missed this feeling. All of us are here and having a good time.

But maybe I spoke too soon, maybe the universe really wasn't on my side as Jeongin blurted out something that made everything stop.

"I'm just glad Jisung came out from hiding, I was tired of keeping that a secret"

My eyes slowly go to Jeongin who sat there with Ellie by his side. My eyebrows pulled together "What do you mean?" I felt Jisung tense up beside me and I look at him "What does he mean Jisung?"

Jisung didn't look at me and just shook his head, probably not wanting this out but that's what it was now.

I look to Jeongin again who looked guilty "Don't be mad at me Minho, I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you"

"You knew he was alive too?" I wish he didn't but the look on his face said it all.

"I wanted to protect you—"

"Why does everyone say that?!" I stood up "I don't want protection anymore" I walk away as I felt my vision grow blurry. Walking inside and past a confused Felix who was walking back outside.

I walk out the front door but felt a hand on my arm "Wait" Valerie said and I pull my arm from her grip.

"Fuck off!" I said harshly and she stepped back.

"Minho calms down" Jeongin walked outside.

"Why? Why do I have to calm down when all everybody has been doing is lying straight to my face?!" I spat. "And I'm not fucking dumb, I know Jisung is still lying to me"

"I chose not to tell you that night Minho" Jeongin said "Not Jisung" My jaw clenched "I was the one that came up with the idea actually"

"You knew it would hurt me"

"Yeah but I knew telling you he was on the verge of death would have hurt you as well" I tense up and he shook his head "I never specified if he was dead or alive"

"You hinted at it"

"But I never said a thing, I never want to hurt you. You're my brother for god sake"

Valerie looked at us and quickly excused herself as this seemed more like a family matter and truthfully, I didn't want to see her.

I sigh and sit on the steps, putting my head in my hands as I was growing tired of this. This constant game of lies, it was like a pattern I couldn't find my way out of.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now