Random Sprinkles of Wisdom #6 - Sleep Edition

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Naps aren't just for little kids. They're also for grown-ups who just need to rest their eyes for a minute.

No matter how closed your parents' or grandparents' eyes seem, yes, they are still watching that.

If you're having trouble sleeping, try counting backwards from 100. If you're having trouble staying awake, you're probably at work or school.

Never underestimate the healing power of a warm, cozy bed. Never take it for granted either.

Sleep is more important than the vast majority of things you'll sacrifice it for. That includes your grade on your history report, any arbitrary project deadlines your boss sets, and that popular show you want to binge watch. Unless that show is Demon Slayer. IYKYK. No, I will not fight you on this.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to rest my eyes for a minute. 

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