Chapter 1: One Man's Parts

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It was quiet in Ninjago City. The streets were empty, the dark sky lit up with twinkling starlight.

A one eyed man with the other mechanical, was on an excursion making his way to a Warehouse filled with parts. More specifically, robotic parts.

"Hehe... Are you ready back there boys? Because we're about to bring out some heavy metal." The Mechanic called out to goons in the back. And by back; he was driving one of Chen's Noodle old noodle trucks.

The men in the back made a small war cry. Besides the fact that it's midnight, they didn't want to catch anyone's attention.
So, they kept it quiet.

The Mechanic stopped the truck in a small alleyway a vehicle of that size was able to fit in. The men in the back kicked open the noodle truck door, hopping out along with Mechanic in the front.

The metal armed man chuckled. "I love the look of good parts in the evening." Mechanic scanned the wall of the large warehouse with his robotic eye. He found the mother load when he turned his head to the left side of the steel wall.

He pointed at the wall, directing to his men to cut that specific area. Four men hopped back into the truck, retrieving a steel cutting machine The Mechanic made himself. They positioned it touching the wall. It was catapult-like, but it doesn't shoot rocks, or snakes; It smashes though walls. It could crush anything for that matter.

The one eyed man's men waited to activate the mechanism on his command. He gave the nod to operate the machine destroying the wall within seconds. It wasn't the quietest thing. At least they were on the eastern coast of Ninjago city, where only shipment containers and ships were kept.

The Mechanic walked in the storage house with a smug grin on his face. Looking around, he found a huge pile of robotic parts just waiting to be used.

"Gather 'em up men! We don't have much time." The Mechanic ordered. What does he mean by 'we don't have much time?' Ninja. The colour coded 'heros', who protect Ninjago from harm. They even took the Mechanic out of business, when Chen went out of business himself.

"Come for parts I see." A voice spoke up out of the blue. "And to think Ninjago was finished with crime after what you were apart of."

It was like a voice straight from the shadows. Maybe it was. Mechanic turned towards where the voice came.

"So.. you finally arrived. Haven't seen you in a while ninja. Even after my king was destroyed." The Mechanic spoke with a smile on his face.

The ninja revealed himself to be Lloyd, along with Jay and Zane. "Cut the greetings, Mechanic. What are you stealing these parts for?" Lloyd interrogated.

Mechanic chuckled. "After you defeated my former king, I yearned for much more. But if I told you what. That would only ruin the surprise." The metal armed man laughed. "Get 'em boys!"

Mechanic's thugs ran at the three ninja. They wore some sort of armor; looks recently made.

Lloyd ran, jumped and kicked over a thug. Jay and Zane fought back with their nunchucks and shurikens. They seem to be higher class thugs than others. Seeing that one of them managed to grab Lloyd in a mid-air attack, throwing him into a wall. Jay shocked multiple men at once. He was shook when his lightening had no effect on them at all.

"Huh?.... Guys theres some sort of armo-" Jay yelped when he got knocked to the ground by a thug wearing brass nuckles. "Okay, that's gonna leave a mark." Jay flipped back on his feet.

Zane spun into some spinjitsu. A thug he was heading toward had steel gloves on like Karloff. He chuckled before punching Zane out of his small tornado, and into a shelf. "I think Jay's right. It's the armor they're wearing!"

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