Chapter 16: Return

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Amidst the chaos in Ninjago City, Jay springs into action. He surrounds himself with a tornado of lightning, ready to take on the sudden attack. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he shouts, "Ninja GO!!"

However, the situation is far worse than anticipated. The enemies seem to be multiplying with each passing second, and the team is quickly outnumbered. Jay tries to create some breathing space by causing a mass of droids to go airborne, but their opponents are too many.

Meanwhile, Kai's body is struggling to keep up with the fight. His muscles are aching from the intense combat, and the exhaustion is growing by the second. The adrenaline rush is starting to wear off, and he can feel his body giving up on him. But he knows he can't give up. Not now.

Nya screamed as a droid raised her off her feet, and collided with her into a nearby wall. The droid smashed her so hard, that a colossal hole had been created in the building. Nya hyperventilated and coughed for air. The impact caused all the air in her lungs to flee from her body.

"Nya!" Jay's blood boiled. He'd do anything to keep his little water lily safe, even if it's against a mob of artificial beings.

Jay feels a sudden rush of intense emotions bubbling up inside him, causing his arms and hands to tingle with an electric sensation. It's as if lightning is orbiting around his limbs, a physical manifestation of the anger and adrenaline coursing through his veins. The intensity of the moment is palpable, and Jay can feel his heart pounding in his chest. He released an anger-filled sigh, preparing his body for what came next.

Plasma-blue twine rushed through the tense air, coming straight for the foe. Before the enemy could react, he rapidly began to seize, collapsing to the ground in seconds.

Nya gagged for oxygen as Jay rushed towards her. "Nya, are you okay?!" He knelt beside her, gently grasping the back of Nya's head.

"Yes I'm o-" Nya whimpered and clasped her stomach.

Jay's heart raced as he looked down at Nya, who lay motionless on the ground. Gently, he lifted her head and placed it on his lap, cradling her in his arms. As he tenderly placed her hands on her chest, he noticed that her breathing was shallow and uneven. With great care, he lifted the hem of her GI, revealing a large, dark bruise that covered most of her abdomen. The sight of the injury made Jay's stomach turn, and he knew that Nya needed medical attention immediately.

Jay whipped his head to face Kai. "Kai! We need to get Nya back to the monastery!"

"What? Why?!" Kai hollered in between dodging an attack by a droid.

"Stop asking questions! NYA IS INTERNALLY BLEEDING!!!" Jay shocked another droid, trying to soothe his anger.

Kai froze on the spot. He glanced over at Nya, his head skipping a beat. he couldn't believe it. His little sister was in great agony. Kai's stomach twisted and turned; if the situation were any worse, he'd vomit his insides out. "Nya.." Kai sprinted to his dearest sister.

"Kai, look out!"


A cannonball whistled in the air, aimed at Kai.

The air was filled with thunderous laughs that echoed around the scene, making the ninja feel even more isolated. As Kai looked up, he saw a strange floating object hovering above him. The device was equipped with many cannons, which were placed precisely on its sides, giving it a menacing appearance. Standing on top of the gliding device was a man with a wicked grin on his face, who seemed to have nothing but purely evil intentions in his heart.

Kai's eyes widened as he caught sight of a metallic sphere hurtling towards him. The ball was made of steel and gleamed menacingly in the light. Despite the speed at which it was approaching, Kai remained calm and collected. He had been expecting something like this to happen. As an experienced fighter, he was always prepared for any eventuality. The Mechanic who had sent the ball towards him had underestimated Kai's abilities.

Kai's body propelled upwards in a breathtaking leap, and as he soared through the air, it was as if time had slowed down to a crawl. The world around him became a blur of colours, shapes, and sounds, fading away into a hazy, dream-like landscape. All that remained in focus was Kai, who seemed to be suspended in mid-air, his body moving with a fluid grace that defied gravity. His eyes glowed with an intense, fiery light as if he had tapped into a hidden source of power deep within himself.

The sphere flew beneath Kai's body and crashed down deep into the asphalt below his now-grounded feet. Nothing could stop a brother from rescuing his little sister.

As Kai ran, he came to a complete stop by purposefully collapsing in front of Nya's feet. He got on his hands and knees to thoroughly examine the immense red mark on Nya's stomach. "Oh no, no, no," Kai panicked.

Jay expressed to Kai through his stern look to calm down. Panicking will cause Nya distress, and will only make her bleeding increasingly severe.

"Uh oh..." Kai's eyes widened, and his skin went noticeably pale while he stared into the distance.

"What?!" Jay perked up. "What is it, Kai?!" Jay glanced around the area where Kai was vigilantly viewing.

Jay's heart raced as he watched in horror, his eyes fixed on the approaching march of droids. He felt a knot form in his stomach as he realized that the safety of his dear yang, Nya was at risk. His mind raced with thoughts of what he could do to protect her from the imminent danger. The sound of the droids' metal footsteps echoed through the air, growing louder and more intense with each passing moment, as they closed in on their position. Jay's abdomen twisted and turned with fear and anxiety, as he braced himself for the worst.

Glancing down at Nya, Jay and Kai watched her fight for consciousness. However, this battle was no use. She soon fell into a deep slumber.

"Oh, my little water Lily." Jay embraced Nya with a gentle grasp.

"You take care of Nya," Kai spoke as he stepped up off the ground. "I'm going to deal with these droids myself."

Kai's hands were enveloped in flames as he stood there, ready for whatever was coming his way. However, his attention was suddenly drawn upwards as he saw an anchor descending from the sky above him. It was then that he realized that another one of Mechanic's airships was approaching him. As the ship descended, Kai was surprised to see Lloyd, Cole, and Zane hopping down the chain and landing gracefully beside him. The unexpected arrival of his fellow ninja left Kai feeling both relieved and excited, as he knew that they were all in this together and would face whatever challenges lay ahead as a team.

"What took you so long?" Kai chuckled.

"Didn't wanna miss the party!" Cole's shoulders were tense as he stood with his feet shoulder-width apart, ready to strike at a moment's notice. His eyes were fixed on the space ahead, waiting for whatever threat was about to emerge. With his left foot slightly forward and his right hand held back, he was poised for action, ready to defend himself against any danger that may come his way.

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