Chapter 5: A Terrible Tea Time

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Zane threw down a ladder over the side of the bounty as they arrived at Crafty's auto body. He signaled everyone to jump down before he did so himself. Arriving at 2 in the morning seemed like a reasonable time. Especially since they were approaching in a stealthy way.

Landing silently and safely on the roof of the shop, Cole found a nearby vent that led down to the back rooms of the building. Nya gave Haru a dirty look when she saw her climbing down on the ladder. She still didn't believe that recruiting Harumi was a good idea... Oh wait. It's 'Haru' now.

The vent everyone was in had the slight smell of car oil in it. It's not the most pleasant smell for anyone.

Kai was the first of the bunch to hop into the vent. So he searched for an end of it that led into a small room.

The room that the bunch landed into had piles and piles of robotic parts. A little droid picking up and placing parts onto a conveyor belt was present. He looked at the ninjas but didn't seem to bother. It wasn't programmed with a security system. Only cute looks and more work.

"Hehe.. cute little buddy." Jay whispered.

All six ninjas looked through the conveyor belt window for any issues that may occur during this mission. Like, traps, droids or even the criminal himself. Mechanic. There didn't seem to be any problems out in the blue. Just a large factory looking room.

Kai opened the door that was by the window. He stood in the door taking in the sight before getting into anything. The other ninja did the same too.

"No one's home!" Cole spoke.

"Okay guys, scavenge this place carefully. We don't need to miss anything. And don't forget to place anything back that we don't need! We don't need to make it look like we were here." Lloyd ordered.

Everyone quietly split up to start searching. Some pared into two. They dug in toolboxes, drawers, cabinets, and looked at bulletin boards. Then eventually, Haru found something.

Walking into a room separate from the main area, Haru came across an office-like room, filled with old broken TVs, hats hung on the wall, different mechanical arms placed on a shelf. Many papers were scattered across the floor with designs of droids.

The ninja walked into the room with serious looks on their faces. Lloyd took off his hood and looked around with his eyebrows furrowed. He came across a desk with a design of the current model of the droid army.

"Woah." Lloyd began to speak. "This has all the functions of the droids on it. Hey Zane, can you come over and get a look at this?"

Zane walked up beside the green ninja. He took a moment to scan the sheet of paper. "It appears to have similar functions as Pixels. But.. more advanced.."

"What?! What do you mean more advanced?" Jay spoke a little louder over Lloyd's shoulder. This caught everyone's attention and walked over by the table.

Lloyd handed Zane the paper. "I mean it's built stronger than Pixel." Zane answered. He took a moment to look over the paper before giving a better response. "It says here it's designed to have a higher agility level, built with a stronger material, and..."

"And what?!" Kai exclaimed

"And meant to withstand our elemental powers." Zane finished.

"But the droids we just fought earlier were like the droids back when we fought the overlord when he was in the computer. They aren't like what they are on this." Cole pondered.

"Or they are being made out there right now!" Nya pointed out the door at the machines.


Well we have to liberate the suppliers and then-" Lloyd was cut off.

"Guys... I think you might want to see this..."

Everyone turned away from the paper to a large bulletin board Haru was facing towards.

"Look." She spoke.

Everyone gasped.

"Nu- nu- NADAKHAN?!" Jay screamed.

"Mechanic is trying to bring him back?!" Kai exclaimed.

Nya was a bit fazed by the sudden discovery. It was hard enough to defeat Nadakhan the first time.. but again? She didn't want that to happen. She didn't want the thought of getting forced to be wedded with an evil Jin once again. And she couldn't even do anything about it until Jay came to save her.

Then her thoughts switched. That was the time she genuinely fell in love with Jay Walker. The determined look in his eyes to stop the wedding. She could never forget the look on his face when he saw her in that wedding dress. The absolute awe. Nya was so grateful for Jay. Sometimes she got mad and didn't show it, but she hopes for Jay's safety every single mission her and the ninja are on. Then she looked over at Jay's face. He was looking at her the same way he saw her in that dress. This made her heart jump, and her face turned pink.

"I love you." Jay whispered in Nya's ear; grabbing her by the waist.

Nya whispered, "I love you too."

"Does it say anything of how the Mechanic is going to bring Nadakhan back?" Cole asked.

All of them searched the board until Lloyd spoke up. "It says something about Chen's noodle house."

"You mean the house on that island or the noodle house?" Kai asked

"The island." Lloyd responded. "Hey Zane, can you find us some information about the island?"

Zane stood in a frozen position processing before giving an answer. "My processers say that Chen's island is the location where all of Ninjago's waste goes."

"Wait.. wasn't the Tea Pot of Tyran found at Sticks in trash mounds?" Nya asked.

"Yes.. and then it was shipped away to another location." Zane replied.

"Chen island... Huh, we'll see what we're up against." Cole spoke with confidence.

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