Chapter 6: A Picturesque Journey

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"Okay! Listen up!" Lloyd began. "I've got a plan.

All six ninjas, including Haru, formed a circle on the deck of the Bounty. It's 5 in the morning and no one got any sleep that night. Too much time brain storming for a plan. The thought of Nadakhan coming back into existence gave everyone a great amount of anxiety. But anxiety isn't going to fix the problem that they will be facing. They have to settle with a plan. Pronto!

"What are you thinking Lloyd?" Cole asked.

"Hmm.." Lloyd took a moment to process the question. We need to let loose the suppliers."

"Yes.. but what about the mechanic planning let Nadakhan loose? He's already got a head start on us." Jay pointed out.

"That's right... Jay, Kai and Nya stay at the monastery; protecting the people and liberating the suppliers." Lloyd instructed. "Zane, Cole Haru and I will advance to Chen's island: stopping Mechanic."

"But how will you get there? The bounty doesn't nearly have as much fuel as you would need to get there." Nya pointed out.

"Then we set sail." Haru spoke. She turned around with a determined look on her face. She was going to prove to all of Ninjago that she's a new woman. Never again will she be called the former Jade princess. No longer will she be called the quiet one on the streets. That's all behind her. Then, she was mis-lead by anger. Now, she's going to earn the world's forgiveness. For all the pain she has caused. Whether it was intentional or not.

Everyone was shocked of her determination, but they were influenced by it. The ninjas smiled—furrowing there eyebrows and nodded once at the order.

Nya, Kai and Jay jumped off the side of the flying ship, summoning their elemental dragon. They flew off into one direction while the bounty was piloted to the coast.


"Keep digging! It has to be around here somewhere!!" Mechanic was ordering his men to search within the trash island. It is a very slow process. Not to mention years of debris has been piled here since the occurrence of Morrow and his ghosts.  The Village of Sticks had nowhere else to dump their trash after it was half destroyed. It took them around a year for the place to get back up in order. After a while the rest of Ninjago began to follow the shifts in garbage disposal.

"But boss... We've been digging all day, and we're stahvin." (A/N: The mistake in spelling is intended and made to add an accent). Complained one of the henchmen.

"I don't care if your hungry or not! You're not resting until we find that teapot!" Mechanic raged. "Now get back to work!!"


Haru took in a gasp of the salty sea air. The wind blew in her hair. The glow of the sun at the break of dusk shining in her eyes as she held the wheel of the ship. It was soothing. The sounds of the waves crashing into the sides of the Bounty and the squawking of the birds atop the crows nest made her serene.... It was perfect.

"Hello Haru." Greeted Zane.

"Oh Hi Zane! What brings you here?"

"I'm here to take the nightly shift to pilot the ship. Since I am a ninjdroid, I need no sleep. Go have a break. You've been at the wheel all afternoon." Zane assured.

"Oh, thank you Zane!" Haru conceded.

"My pleasure."

Haru walked down to the left of the deck and leaned on the rail. She took in the view. The sky was pink and orange. That's a sight she hasn't seen in a long time. She was never allowed to go outside of the palace walls when she was adopted into the royal family. The only view she got of the sky was in her window or in the palace gardens—but she was never allowed to go out past 5pm. Haru was against it. But at the time, it was for her own good. It's a privilege to be a princess. Even though the rules to it are hard to live with.

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