Chapter 17: No Longer Little

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As Nya regained consciousness, her senses slowly returned, and she found herself desperately gasping for the life-sustaining oxygen she needed to survive. The scene was a haze of colourful shapes, swirling and floating around in a blur. She struggled to focus, her vision swimming as if underwater. An intense, agonizing pain crashed against her head like a relentless storm, leaving her feeling as though she had been struck by a truck.

"Friends, she's awake." Zane gleamed down at Nya smiling, knowing that her surgery had been a success.

Zane's voice barely carried over the noise of the silent room, but as soon as the word left his lips, Jay and Kai sprang from their seats with such urgency that they nearly knocked over their chairs in their rush to reach Nya.

"Uhm, I do not suggest anything related to physical contact with Nya. She is recovering," Zane reminded the two making their way over to the surgical table where Nya was placed. "If you were to make such contact, I do recommend retrieving Nya extra comfort if needed. Examples include additional pillows or providing Nya with a variety of soups. But please, be gentle. I will transport her to the spare room in the monastery."

"Wait a minute, Zane," Jay spoke up.

Zane stopped in his tracks rolling the surgical table to the monastery up above. Zane smiled at Jay.

"Would it be okay if Nya were to heal in my room?" Jay clasped his hands together. "Nya goes in there usually when she's upset. I'm not sure why, but I'm sure she'll find it comforting to recover there. I can sleep in the spare room."

Kai smiled. He knew exactly why Nya would go into Jay's room when she was sad.


Kai let out a weary grunt as he toiled away on a sword in the dimly lit blacksmith shop. The weight of responsibility hung heavily on his young shoulders as he hammered away at the red-hot metal. Without his parents around, the task of running the shop at the tender age of 10 felt like an insurmountable challenge.

"Why won't this do what I want?!" Kai was exhausted from the fact that he couldn't forge a profitable product. It would always turn twisted or wavy, which was the opposite of what he wanted.

Kai sighed, "I guess this just means it's time to lock up for the night."

As Kai started the process of securing Four Weapons, a faint yet distinct sound caught his attention. It was a delicate, melodic sound intertwined with Nya's voice, evoking a tender and emotional response.

Kai strolled towards the rear of the shop, where the living quarters were situated. Upon entering, he found Nya's cozy bedroom to the left of the hallway, while the inviting living room and well-equipped kitchen were located at the end of the hallway. Kai's comfortable bedroom adjoined the living room, and his parents' spacious bedroom was connected to the kitchen.

Kai first knocked on Nya's bedroom to see what was going on, but he received no answer. This time, he knocked again and opened the door.
The room was decorated with posters of her favourite singers and actors. Her desk was cluttered with little figurines of her favourite superheroes and props. And her bed was neatly made with maroon bedsheets. However, Nya was yet to be found.

Kai found this strange. Nya often spent most of her time playing in her room since she was not old enough to help maintain the shop. But Kai proceeded to keep looking for his younger sister.

He walked in front of his bedroom when he heard crying coming from the other side of the door.

"Nya?" Kai felt a mix of concern and sadness as he turned the doorknob and stepped into his room. There, he discovered Nya curled up and weeping into a pillow. The sight tore at his heart. It pained him to see his younger sister in such distress. He couldn't bear the thought of Nya shouldering the burden of their parents' absence at such a tender age.

Kai walked over and sat beside Nya on his bed.

Nya loosened her grasp on the pillow. The presence of her older brother eased her stress.

Nya gazed over at Kai, her older brother. She felt a twinge of hesitation, but eventually mustered up the courage to shift herself closer to him. Taking a deep breath, she let out a sigh of relief as she wrapped her arms around Kai, finding solace in his comforting embrace.

Kai rubbed his hand up and down Nya's back, trying his best to ease her hurting heart. "What's the matter, Nya?"

Nya let out a shaky breath. "I miss momma and daddy." She paused, "it's been so long since we've seen them."

Kai melted into his bed. "I know, Nya. I know."


As the sun began to set, Nya's eyes grew heavy. The comfort from her brother made everything okay. However, before she drifted off to sleep, Kai asked her a simple question: "Nya, why did you choose to cry in my room?"

"I don't know... I just find it comforting to cry in the bed of someone I love." Nya slurred with her words. Her exhaustion was getting the best of her.

Kai giggled. "I love you too, Nya." Before they knew it. The two of them drifted off into Dreamland.


Kai's face lit up with a warm smile as he reminisced about the cherished moments he had shared with his younger sister, Nya. Despite the challenges they faced, those memories held a special place in his heart as they represented some of the most meaningful and formative experiences of his life.

As he gazes at Jay, Kai experiences a bittersweet recognition that the days of his and Nya's close bond are drawing to a close. Nya, once a dependent and carefree girl, has blossomed into a beautiful, independent young woman, meaning Kai's role in her life is shifting as she grows older.

The master of fire switched his gaze to Nya with a saddened smile crossing his face. His beautiful little sister is no longer little anymore.

"Yes, of course, Jay. I will bring Nya to your room," Zane agreed before turning around to take Nya to rest.

"Uhm, hey, Jay?" Kai placed his hand on Jay's shoulder.

The master of lightning glanced over at Kai. "What's up?"

"You're going to be a great husband to my sister one day."

Jay's eyes widened as he turned around to fully meet Kai's gaze. "You-... You mean it..?"

Kai smiled as his eyes swelled up with tears and nodded.

Jay couldn't believe his ears. He's never heard anything more genuine come out of Kai's mouth than now. His happiness led him to tightly embrace Kai. "Thank you."

"Take care of her for me, would ya?" Kai chuckled.

"You can take my word for it!" Jay broke the hug, running to see Nya.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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