Chapter 4: Plans

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"EUH AH AH!!" Jay slipped off the edge of a canel and into water. Getting pinned back by a large army of robots really isn't ideal. Especially when they are parishly indestructible. "PLUH PLUH!" Jay coughed out the water in his mouth and lungs. Some droids shot at him at the top of the canal. It was a difficult dodging the flying lazers coming at the lightning ninja. Jay was in water for heaven sake!

"I could use a little help down here!!" Jay yelled into the comlink. "AH!!"

"I don't think that possible right now!" Kai responded. He was also a little bit in a pickle. He is two blocks away from Jay, also getting attacked by a large sum of evil droids; Also went for Cole.

Jay scoffed. Why did it have to be the three of us fighting evil robots!" Jay was caught up talking that he almost got shot in the head, flipping and using his powers against the droids. "Okay that was too close."

"Maybe if you'd stop talking all the time you wouldn't have almost got shot!" Cole yelled.

"Wait! How do you-"

"Guys! Shut up for a moment and listen!" Lloyd exclaimed through the comlinks. "Back on the Bounty we've managed to track where all the droids go after each attack! They trail back to an abandoned auto repair shop in a deserted part of Ninjago City!"

"Oh lovely if only we could GET THERE!!" Kai exclaimed.

"Hold on! We're almost there!" Lloyd spoke.

Soon after the Destinys Bounty hovered over Kai. The flying ship shot at remaining droids, having the hunks of metal blow up. "WOO HOO HOO!!!" Celebrated Nya and Zane. The two were at the cannons while Lloyd was piloting the ship.

"Took you guys long enough!" Kai exclaimed cheerfully. He climbed the ladder that was thrown down to him.

On the way to retrieve Cole and Jay, Nya and Zane shot enemy droids and artillery. The two had the biggest smiles on their faces. It was like playing a videogame. They made a competition out of it. Whoever shot the most droids on the way to pick up the two ninjas; the loser has to do something for the winner.

Jay almost got shot by flying lazers again when they arrived. Cole was okay on the other hand. He punched the ground and formed a large barrier around the group of droid he was up against.

"Couldn't you guys haven't been... I don't know... A LITTLE MORE FASTER?!" Jay freaked out because he was the last one to be saved. He was wet and cold from being in the canel for 10 minutes. He never got the chance to jump out since there were droids on both sides of the walls of the canel. The blue ninja went on a rant about how he could have died and how dumb it would be that he wouldn't have gone out in style. He was on the deck with Zane while the rest were on the control deck.

"Okay.. what's the plan?" Cole asked Lloyd and Nya.

"We go in guns blazing!" Lloyd exclaimed.

"Mm I don't think that's a good idea." Nya disagreed.

"Well then what are we supposed to do? Knock on The Mechanics front door with a wagon of girl scout cookies?" Lloyd defended.

"I'm with Lloyd! We knock down his front door and mess him up!" Kai butted in.

"I don't think that's a good idea.."

The group turned around to see Haru glaring at a virtual map of the deserted part of Ninjago City. "It's not that simple... There's more to it."

"Well then what do you have in mind?" Lloyd asked.

"Mechanic has grown smarter over the years you've fought him. He's learned to know what you think." Haru began. Looking and pointing at the virtual map she explained her plan. "This is the location of the abandoned shop called, Crafty's Auto Body. It's conveniently placed by the beach."

"How does the beach come into play?" Cole interrupted.

"Well if you look here, eight kilometers away (five miles) Borg Corporation has a landing dock here." Haru pointed north of the auto body shop. "And many shipment containers are kept here; along with another dock owned by another company south of here along the beach."

So those locations are maybe where he's retrieving supplies for his droid army!" Lloyd finished.

"Exactly!" Haru spoke.

"What did I miss?" Jay asked as he came up from the deck. He's finally finished his rant with Zane. Nya face palmed.

"First we sneak into the mechanics base and find out what he's planning. Then we liberate the suppliers." Lloyd spoke.

"WHAT DID I MISS??" Jay yelled.

Cole sighed. "Nya could you explain to him everything that was discussed?"

Nya groaned. "Fine." She grabbed  Jay by the ear and dragged him down to the sleeping quarters.

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