Chapter 13: A Dash to Flight

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Cole's eyes widened with excitement as he scanned the soggy sand, searching for the one thing that could help Lloyd heal faster. He had been searching the sandy beach for hours, but just as he was about to give up hope, something caught his eye. He reached out and grasped the small paper bag, holding it up triumphantly. A huge grin spread across his face as he realized that he had found exactly what he was looking for. This tiny bag of tea was the key to Lloyd's speedy recovery, and Cole couldn't wait to see the look on his friend's face when he presented it to him.

But as Cole ran over to Zane and Lloyd, the green ninja was completely unfazed by Cole's discovery. Lloyd remained frozen in the same spot where the traumatic event with Nadakhan had taken place. His gaze was fixed and lifeless, not even acknowledging Cole's presence when he rushed over with a bag of tea. It seemed as if the world around him had collapsed and crumbled away, leaving him in the middle of a barren wasteland. The once vibrant and lively ninja now resembled a mere shadow of his former self, lost and broken beyond repair. It was as if he was trapped in a nightmare that he couldn't escape from, with no end in sight. His mind was consumed with the memories of that fateful day, replaying over and over again like a broken record. The world had turned into a bleak and desolate place, and Lloyd was at the center of it all, trapped in a bubble of hopelessness and despair.

Zane sighed. He had been cutting Lloyd's hair to the appropriate length with his scorched ends. "I don't know what to do Cole. I can't seem to get him out of his depressed state. And it would take an excessive amount of time to try every possibility in my database."

"Well, we can't help him if he doesn't want any help," Cole spoke in a stern tone. "What we need to worry about is our situation at the moment. How are we going to get off the island?"

"I'm going to make this tea and give it to Lloyd; we will discuss this topic after," Zane spoke softly.


As the sun began to set and the sky grew dimmer, Zane and Cole found themselves blank of thought with no viable escape plan. Despite brainstorming ideas and trying to calculate possible solutions, they were unable to come up with a quick and effective way to leave the island. The gravity of the situation was beginning to sink in as they realized they may have to spend the night there, and possibly longer.

Lloyd's health was improving, thanks to the tea that the pirate threw overboard. Stuff was scattered everywhere; such a shame it came to trashing the beach.

Zane had washed off the ashes that were present on Lloyd's skin. The ninjdroid had finished cutting Lloyd's hair while discussing escape ideas with Cole. He has a large database of male haircuts stored away, in case one of the ninjas needed their hair chopped.

Zane had performed a transformation in Lloyd's hairstyle. His new look was a short shaggy cut, with locks of hair that curled up away from his head. The singed ends of his hair had been expertly removed, leaving behind wavy strands that covered the back of his head. The overall effect was that of a 90's skater boy, but with a modern twist - his hair had more volume than the typical flat style of the era. The new haircut seemed to suit him well, giving him a youthful and carefree appearance.

"Hey Lloyd! You look amazing!" Cole complimented Lloyd's new look.

However, Lloyd refused to acknowledge Cole. The constant replay of Haru being taken away from him, still affected him like the event still was occurring. It was as if his heart was repeatedly getting crushed.

Cole sighed in disappointment. He stood and thought for a brief moment. Then he had an idea. "Zane, do you remember on the Mechanic's bulletin board, a form of transportation used to reach this island?"

"Yes, located on the far corner of the board." Zane formed a hologram of the image he had seen that one evening. Its appearance looked close to Ronin's ship, Rex, although it had a noticeable twist to its underside and size. The ship was twice as large as Rex, based on the measurements that were present on the page. It also has an open lower deck similar to Nadakhan's previous ship.

Lloyd's eyes burst open with an intense curiosity and an unmistakable drive to succeed. As he hugged his legs and rested his chin on his knees, his gaze settled on the flickering hologram before him. His heart leaped with hope, knowing that this was his chance - his one chance to escape the clutches of this wretched island and save the person who tragically was kidnapped from him.

"I made a rapid scan of the island—this ship is nearby." As Zane spoke those words, he revealed a second hologram of the island with the location of the ship. "It's two kilometres away."

Lloyd's pale green eyes glimmered with a bright spark of optimism as he gazed ahead. He felt an unwavering determination in his heart, knowing that he had the ability to save Haru from whatever danger he faced. He firmly believed that nothing could stop him from completing his mission, no matter how difficult it may be. His mind was set, and he was ready to do whatever it takes to make sure that Haru was safe and sound.

"Help me up," Lloyd spoke sternly.

"What?" Cole was shocked.

"Help me up!"

Cole and Zane didn't think twice before rushing to Lloyd's aid. As they helped him up, they noticed that his ankle, which had been injured just moments ago, was now completely healed. They also observed that his skin, which had been badly broken and burned, was now almost fully repaired. The sight was nothing short of remarkable, and they couldn't help but feel grateful for the incredible restorative powers that had worked their magic on Lloyd's body.

"Zane... Lead the way!" Lloyd's ambition was at its peak.

As they ran close behind Zane, the three of them felt a sudden surge of optimism. The pounding of their footsteps echoed through the sandy beach, as they moved urgently towards their destination. The wind blew fiercely in their faces, but they kept going, driven by a sense of purpose that filled their hearts. At that moment, nothing else mattered except the hope that they all shared, a hope that they would finally achieve what they had been striving for. Saving Ninjago and saving Haru.

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