The App That Ships Greenflame

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Includes: Greenflame and fluff (low-key, this is one of my fav oneshots)

'Ok, I'll be there in 5' was the last message 'x' had sent Kai. Kai was waiting for x at the park, he was watching the water fountain endlessly spouting water while checking his phone every minute.

He had been trying out this new program for people who wanted to find love just based on texting, which in hindsight could end really badly, but because he was a tester, everything was completely under control. The rules were that you couldn't know your partner's name, and you couldn't send photos of yourself to each other.

So far, everything had gone well, he'd been paired up with a decent-sounding guy. He was funny even in text, he was sweet and selfless, and the description of him that was given to Kai sounded like a dream. Short strawberry blonde hair with eyes as green as nature. He was just slightly shorter than Kai, and he was a year younger. Perfect.

The others didn't know anything about it, and he wanted to keep it like that, considering they all still thought he was with Skylor.

Kai's phone buzzed, and he took it out of his pocket.

'I'm just about there, where abouts are you?'

'I'm in front of the fountain, so excited to see you <3' Kai smiled to himself. He stood up and straightened his shirt.

He was waiting for a reply when he suddenly got the feeling that someone was staring at him. He look up and around, and that's when he saw him.


Lloyd starring at Kai with as much shock as Kai felt himself.

For a few moments, the world seemed to stand still. They each glanced down at their phones, and both blushed.

Kai decided to make the first move.

"Lloyd, heh... uhm, I... I'm gonna guess that you're... x, huh?" Kai walked up to Lloyd, trying not to show his embarrassed panicking self. Lloyd's face seemed to glow red, to which Kai couldn't help but giggle. Lloyd joined in.

"Yeah... I-- I am, wow, uhm... I can't believe it! It... This feels unreal," Lloyd managed to say through his burning face of embarrassment. Kai took a deep breath in.

"Uhm, yeah... well, this is definitely surprising but... I... I'm glad it's you..." Kai said, smiling reassuringly at Lloyd. Lloyd managed a small smile back. Kai noticed that Lloyd seemed to be buzzing, and he was as red as Kai's ninja gi. "I can tell you're pretty embarrassed there, Lloyd," He laughed. Lloyd let out a breath, and he felt himself relax a bit.

"Sorry, I'm just so, uhm... well, shocked, I guess... In-- In a good way!" Lloyd quickly added. Kai grinned.

"All good, well, I guess we should... continue as planned? Unless... unless you don't... want to..." Kai paused.

"Huh? No! No, of course I still want to go out! I'm-- I'm also, really, really, happy it was you all along..." Lloyd replied with a smile, Kai smiled back. He reached his hand out to Lloyd, he took it, and they made their way through the park, asking each other the obvious questions.

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