Kai's Humiliation TW 2/2

443 16 2

(People requested it so here it is, part 2 to Kai being thrown down the stairs 💕)
Includes: movieverse, Greenflame, fluff, kinda Kai angst, and kinda Lloyd angst

The grey-blue ceiling blurred into existence and the blaring cold light blinded his mind. Kai could hear some distant mumbles from the other side of the room.

"Where... what's going on...?" Kai managed to say, though it almost felt like he wasn't the one saying the words.

"KAI!!" He heard the cry of his friends and suddenly they were surrounding him.

"Guys...?" Kai tried to sit up but his left arm buckled under his weight and his right one was far too painful to lift. "Agh, ow, what the hell?"

"Kai, oh my gosh, thank goodness you woke up," Nya sighed, relaxing on a stool beside Kai's bed.

"Yeah dude, you've been out for 2 days! You were scaring us!" Cole said impatiently, but his eyes showed that he was more than happy to see Kai awake.

"What... happened?" Kai asked, annoyed that he wasn't able to sit up. He vaguely remembered the fear he felt before the incident and Nathan's stupid evil grin. Nya recognized Kai's annoyance and pressed a button on the side of the bed to lift his back up like a bed in the dentist's office.

"Nathan and his gang threw you down the stairs. The whole school saw it." Jay said quietly, looking at his hands.

"Correction: the whole city," Zane added. Kai's eyes went wide.

"The whole city...!?" Kai whispered. Oh god no... Nya took Kai's hand and gave him a soft look. She wasn't usually this open, but she had been worried sick and being alone at home with that kind of stress had gotten to her.

"I'm sorry. It's... It's all my fault..." Lloyd slowly walked over to the other side of Kai's bed. Everyone looked between each other. Lloyd looked up and Kai saw tears in his eyes.

"Lloyd, no...! Of course, it's not your fault! Don't think like that!" Kai managed, he was finding it hard to speak and breathe and he didn't understand why.

"But it is! I-- I was the one who decided that that day was the best to fight back but that just made them angrier, and then-- then you protected me but you were tired, and-- and--" Lloyd buried his face in his hands. He felt so guilty.

The others gave sympathetic looks and tried to reassure Lloyd that it wasn't his fault, but Kai knew Lloyd better than that.

He strained his right arm, it seared with pain, but he lifted his hand and placed it on Lloyd's arm. As Lloyd's hands fell down, Kai let his hand relax on top of his. He gave Lloyd a gentle smile.

"So... when-- will I be out?" Kai spoke as best he could, his arm pulsing with pain, his throat dry, and his chest aching.

"Well..." Cole started slowly, knowing Kai would protest against whatever answer he would give.

"You're going to stay here for 2 weeks." Zane said boldly, not catching onto the hesitation of the others. Kai opened his mouth to speak but Nya interrupted him.

"You'll have to stay for longer if you try anything, Kai, and you're going to have to come back for a couple of weeks after that as well because you have a lot of serious injuries," Nya said straightly. She read her brother's mind like a book.

Ugh, do I seriously have to miss out on everything for weeks? Just because of this?? This is so stupid.

Kai rolled his eyes and turned away from Nya.

"It's for the better, Kai, you get that, right?" Cole asked sincerely. Kai paused but looked down in forced agreement. Of course it'd be better if he stayed there for longer than 2 weeks, but was he seriously about to lie in bed because he fell down some stairs? No way, could you imagine?

The others all stayed for a while, telling Kai about what had happened with Nathan, and all of the different reactions from everyone to the true story behind the incident. Eventually, everyone dispersed and only Nya and Lloyd were left.

As Nya went to the bathroom, Kai and Lloyd were left alone.

"Kai, I'm truly--"

"Lloyd." Kai cut Lloyd off. Lloyd was slightly surprised, he softly held his breath. "Please... it's not your fault. I'm the one who decided to protect you..." Kai smiled again. He didn't do it for the couple of hours the others had been there, so Lloyd took it as a sign of sincerity, even if he still felt terrible. "Honestly, I'm just glad it was me and not you. I mean, you're the green ninja for god's sake! Lloyd Garmadon would be all over the news because of this incident, and the green ninja would be on the news because he didn't show up for his job! The conspirators would go crazy!" Kai said with a chuckle. He'd been given some water and the more he spoke the easier it felt. Lloyd deflated a bit.

"That's just going to happen to you! You're a ninja too, Kai! There's gonna be some people putting two and two together!"

"People don't really care about us, Lloyd, not as much as they care about you at least. Yeah, you're right, there's probably going to be someone out there who realizes that it's not just a coincidence, but it's definitely not going to be as big of a deal as if you were the one hurt." Lloyd couldn't argue back. Kai was right. Of course he was. He hated that Kai was right.

Lloyd sighed and took Kai's hand. Kai took that as a signal that he had won, and let his eyes close to sleep.

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