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Shivering from the cold, you couldn't cry anymore.

Even though the sun was warming your skin, it was still cold. Water was cold. The wind was blowing through your wet hair, making it feel chilly. You won't dry quickly. Three-quarters of your body is submerged in water.

The sun shines mercilessly, also making your skin on your face burn.

You choked on the water. There's water in your nose that makes your nostrils ache. Every time you get rid of it, it reappears later, tormenting your nose. The waves rock you, sometimes it covers you, so that later you go out into the air thanks to the life jacket.

You can't move your arms because of the life jacket. You can't untie it either. You can enjoy. At least you won't drown because you're stuck in a life jacket. You slowly go numb.

You want to go to sleep. You're hungry, you're thirsty.

But you are in the middle of the ocean. Burnt by the sun you can't hide from.

If only you had a raft, you could do something. A few things, and you'd have sun protection. But you've been floating on the water for several hours. Getting farther and farther away from a place that used to be so nice. Until it disappeared. It all disappeared along with all the people who were there. Drowned, devoured by what appeared.

Even if someone is still alive right now, they are going through everything you are going through right now. Drifting in an unknown direction, being forced to be in the sun, without food or drink. With fear. Unable to forget what happened.

Even with no chance of survival.

Burning of the skin, hunger, dehydration, slow stopping of blood circulation in the body. It's something painful. Most of this can lead to death.

Throat hurts from screaming, eyes hurt from crying. The mouth is dry. Red facial skin. Wet clothes drag you down, but a life jacket keeps you up.

You can't cry anymore. You feel like your tears are running out. That's why you can't even moisturize your eyes. And the eyes sting from the salt water that got under the eyelids.

You don't want to think about what happened. Just the thought of not seeing your parents makes you want to scream. They are not with you now. Just the thought of something like that living in the ocean makes you scared. You get a panic attack. It may be under you now. Swim somewhere down there. Under the surface of the water. Where you can't see. Everything that is beautiful can be there. But you don't want to look there. You don't want to see those eyes again. You don't want to see the teeth that have bitten into the metal of the ship. Something that swallowed half the ship at once.

The service life of this life jacket decreases. At any moment, it can hold you less and less, or even fall off of you. It could mean drowning for you.

There was nothing but water on the horizon. There are no clouds in the sky. Only the sun.

You didn't know if you were dreaming or not. You can sleep now. The soul can leave the body. Maybe you're dead. You may even be dreaming all this.

Even if it was a dream, you closed your eyes to dream pleasantly. Although this may be your last dream.

"On August 10, at 2pm, there was an incident in the Pacific Ocean. About 86 kilometers from the shore. The hunters were asked to see if it was the work of the devil. According to our findings, the culprit is the octopus devil. Big beast that eats ships at least once a year. We must capture the monster now that we know where it is. We have to hurry because in a few hours it could be in another place, or even in other waters, and adapt."

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