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"Miss, for you, I'll kill that devil."

Those words stuck in your brain for a long time.

Because you couldn't think of anything else.

He was worried about you. He listened to you talking about what happened once. They both listened to you. Only for you to hear those words later.

Were those words of revenge for you? Revenge for your wrongs?

Was that what it was? Did he promise to kill that devil to avenge what you lost?

You lost a lot then... You lost your parents. You have lost a normal childhood. This was the beginning of your other life. Everything was going to be completely different now.

That event was the end for you. But it also allowed you to start over.

But what happened now could be your end.

Because you were worried.

Many people pledge something to others, and it makes them feel better.

„I promise to protect you"

"I promise I'll take care of you and everything"

"I promise I'll be with you"

These were frequent promises.

But you got a turntable that was different.

"I promise to kill that devil for you."

People make promises, but often have no time to fulfill them. Even though with promises of happiness they are with the person to whom they are promised, such promises as protection from misfortune or revenge, they cannot be fulfilled.

Because sometimes people can't keep their promises.

Sometimes people even break a given promise because it would be better for them.

When during the marriage they vow to love each other eternally, then divorce occurs.

This is one such example.

There are many more. But that wasn't what you were thinking about.

Now you've wondered if it's possible that devils can't break promises...

If the devil promises something, will it be fulfilled?

Is the promise of the devils something that will be for sure?

Because you've never been deceived by them once. You've never been hurt like this by them once.

As Galgali had promised, he tended to your neck wound until it was completely healed.

As he promised you...

Beam has promised to help you not be afraid of the ocean. And thanks to it, you don't look at the water in such a way that you could die in a moment. Because what happened then will not happen again. Because nothing is the same. Nothing is repeated and nothing is identical. Although one may have deja vu. It's not possible for the same scene to happen twice. Because the smallest change is still a change.

But what would the death of that octopus change in your life as well?

It would just release your aching soul. It would free your spirit from the pain of memories. From the realization that this is something you don't have what you should have.

However, devils are very genuine creatures. They don't lie. When they want to kill you, they will kill you. If they don't want to kill you, they won't. Even though they can lie like humans, there's no mistaking the intention. Because you can tell the devil who wants to kill you from the one who doesn't want to kill you.

The devil who wants to kill you will emit an aura that no one wants to experience. you feel fear. You know something is about to happen.

But with the devil who doesn't want to kill you, you don't feel it. You can feel peace of mind when this happens.

Because there is no doubt about it. Devils are different from humans.

And they keep their promises...

Beam kept his promise...

You haven't seen him for two days...

Because at one point he jumped into the water and swam away. Ignoring your calls when you wanted him to come home.

He left and hasn't come back for two days.

Tired of constantly staring at the water waiting for him to come back. Your eyes hurt from the sun. Shoulders shake from the cold sea breeze you feel.

It's painful to wait for someone when you don't know when they're coming. And will it come at all.

How could he face something like this octopus himself?

Beam is the size of a man... How could he kill something that is the size of a huge ship?

You dug your fingers into the fabric of your pants as you watched the flat water.

There was no wind. The waves were very light. Almost invisible. That's why the water surface was so flat. Like a perfect mirror. A natural, beautiful mirror that you could walk up to, and instead of your face, you'd see the mermaid that lives inside of you.

You will not see your reflection in the water. you will see her. Because you share the same body. And she is a water spirit. Therefore, you will be able to see it only in water reservoirs.

Sometimes you're even afraid to take a bath in the tub. Because sometimes you wish you were alone. But she will be there.

Just like now, you wouldn't want to be alone. Now you want Beam to come home...

Your shoulders dropped as you felt something on your shoulders.

You turned your head as you sat on the bridge timber to see Galgali kneeling on one knee beside you.

The blanket on your shoulders as he wrapped it around you to give your body the warmth it needed.

"Thank you..." you murmured, pulling the blanket tighter around your body.

"If you sit here all evening, you'll get sick." He said as he also handed you a thermos of hot tea and something to eat..

He likes to do it for you...

It was a surprise for you that he does everything for you that belongs to home warmth.

He will prepare you food, bath. It will keep you warm and comfortable.

The same now that he cares for you so that you don't get sick...

Like a true friend... Like someone you could fall in love with right away. It doesn't matter if he's a devil or a human.

"How long can he be gone?" you asked calmly as you rested the side of your forehead against his shoulder.

"When he gets hungry he will come back. Especially with his appetite. And as far as I know, he can take care of himself. So you don't have to worry so much." He said reassuringly.

"I feel like I sent him to his death with what I said..."

"It's our decision what to do. You can't blame him for what he decided. Besides, one of our tasks is to kill that octopus. I wouldn't be so useful underwater. But just as there is water life, there is also water death. Everything that lives in water dies in water. What lives on land must die on land. Therefore, neither you nor Beam will die in the water."

"But he's a shark."

"He is a shark devil in a human body. And man lived, lives and will live on land. Therefore, he will not die. Besides, he promised you he'd kill it. For you. And how will we know if he killed it if he doesn't tell us? He will return to tell you that his revenge for your pain has been fulfilled."

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