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"(y/n), how many more times do I have to tell you?! You must come with us! This is a company meeting and as part of this company you must go!"

"Boss, thank you, but another time." You said politely.

"I'm spending the company's money here to give a few days off for the few employees, I'm renting a yacht, and now you're refusing?!"

"...Excuse me. I don't like cruising in the open sea..."

"It's only two days! And also great fun! You are already on the list and there is no turning back!"

"I really-."

Your boss interrupted you.

"If you're not going, I'll fire you and you'll have to give me back the money I spent on your place! Pay me and also share in the further cost of supplies!"

"Since I'm not going, I have nothing to do with what they eat, consume and drink there."

"But I paid for 12 people. Not for 11. Whether you eat it or not, you'll cover the cost. I won't waste my money because you don't like it."


"You're going or not. If you've decided, tell me. If you're not going, go pack all your things and you can send the transfer to the company's account right away."

The man suddenly pulled out the phone from his hand and began to calculate the entire amount you would have to pay.

You don't have enough money. Not that much. You earn money, but you keep your house and it's not possible to pay it like this.

You could, but you'd have to get a few salaries to break even, but also so that you don't have to give up your comforts and everything you buy. You don't want to get in financial trouble over a stupid trip.

Plus, this tour is free for you. When you don't go, it will be paid to you. You don't know what it means...

You would, of course. But only if it wasn't at sea.

You could overcome your fear, but anything can happen.

You don't want to pay, so I guess you'll go.

If you stay below deck all the time, you'll be fine. You won't even see the water around you.

Maybe you can sleep...

But knowing life, something will happen.

You have terrible luck with that.

Even now you have a feeling something is going to happen next week. Someone will fall overboard. The engine will break down.

You have to go. Why don't you eat something, talk, and fake a headache. Then they'll let you go to bed.

"...I'll go..." You said to the man. He smiled as he gave you the meeting place and time.

[Saturday; 11am]

"I'm glad to meet you all here! As your boss, I'd like to thank you for your work. Unfortunately, Kirimi-chan couldn't be with us. She fell ill."

"And you forced me and threatened me..." You snorted, muttering.

"(y/n)-chan, did you say something?" an older woman next to you asked.

"Oh, Makato-san, nothing. I'm thinking aloud." You said smiling nervously.

"Okay. Look, the sea is beautiful today. Perfect day for a cruise."

"...Yeah..." you said softly, looking at the blue water.

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