Chapter 1: Sick cuddles and a surprise visit

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Chapter one title: Sick cuddles and a surprise visit

Chapter one summary: Peter is sick on the day of a field trip. In the penthouse with his parents and sister, Peter has no idea that his Decathlon team is a few floors below him.

What happens when his team comes into the Avengers training room where he and sick Morgan are cuddling up watching their parents spar?

A/N: Welcome to my new book. This book is a bunch of one shots that involve Tony and Pepper with their two kids, Peter and Morgan. Some may be AUs. Updates will be posted when I can find time to update but with class, my job and family stuff, there's no specific update schedule so you'll have to keep a lookout for new updates. Enjoy.

Peter pulls his covers up around him, trying to get warm. He feels awful: his throat is sore, his body goes from hot to cold, he has the shakes, his nose feels stuffed and his senses are dialled to 11.

MiniStark, you have to get up if you want to get to school on time. His dad's AI, F.R.I.D.A.Y, tells him, her voice louder than usual. He covers his ears and screams, trying to drown out his senses, his eyes screwed shut.

A hand on his back stops him screaming and hands pry his own hands from his ears, and the smell of strawberry shampoos fills his nose.

His family.

When Peter has a sensory overload, his parents and sister have a system: his Dad pry's his hands off his ears and holds him to his chest, his Mom rubs his back and his sister sits in his lap. Her hair is directly underneath his nose so her shampoo can calm him. It all works.

"Shh, Bambi, it's okay, you're okay, shh." His Dad says gently. Peter whimpers and curls further into his dad.

"Oh baby, you're sick too huh?" His Dad whispers, recognising the signs of his sick Spider. Peter looks at his Dad.

"W..who sick?" He croaks out. His Dad just smiles.

"I'm sick too, Petey, we can be sick together." Morgan says. Peter can see that his sister has her sick pjs on: Spider-Man pjs that are pink, thanks to the red sock she 'accidentally' put into the washing machine. Peter feels guilty for making his sick sister get out of her bed to help their parents with his sensory overload.

"Okay, my sick little ones, why don't we let Peter get changed and me and Mommy will make you two breakfast while you watch a few movies and later, you can watch Daddy putting Mommy on her ass in a training session?" Tony and Pepper's two sick kids immediately nod their heads to seeing their parents train together as they only do if one or both of their kids are sick in order to cheer them up about not being able to train that day.

Once his family are out of his room and his Dad  has activated 'Baby Spider Sensory Overload' protocol, Peter puts on his fluffiest sick pyjamas which happen to be a pair of Hello Kitty sweats and a hoodie that Morgan got him for his birthday when his parents first adopted him, and texts Ned and MJ to tell him that he's sick and won't be going to school, he grabs his blanket and his stuffed dog and goes into the living room where his sister is laying on the couch watching a princess movie and his parents are in the kitchen making him and Morgan breakfast. He goes over to the couch and sits down, lifting his sister onto his lap, wrapping his blanket around them both and watches the movie with her, slowly falling asleep with his sick  little sister cradled in his arms. Getting sick and having to miss school is perfect because he can cuddle with his little sister.

Time skip.

"Come on, Pep, hit me!" Peter and Morgan are currently in the Avengers training room, in a cocoon of blankets, wrapped up in one another's arms, watching as their parents spar with each other.

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